The Department of Special Education was set up at AIISH in April 2005.With the advancement in the field of special education, the task force in the department is geared towards offering the best possible educational services and training programmes. The staff of the department is involved in training students of Diploma, Under-graduate and Post-graduate courses in Special Education, conducting institutional and collaborative research, offering special educational services to children with special needs, guidance and counseling to caregivers, disseminating information and resources to other professionals, and empowering caregivers.
Aims and objectives
The Department of Special Education strives towards the ultimate goal of educational mainstreaming of children with communication disorders through efforts towards inclusive education. The department endeavors to realize this goal through achievement of the following objectives:
- Human resource development in the field of special education of children with communication disorders.
- Providing quality special educational services to the children with communication disorders.
- Promoting research and development work in the field of special education.
- To disseminate information on aspects relevant to special educational, services through orientation and sensitization programmes, short-term training programmes and workshops to various target groups around the country.
Faculty Members / Staff
Photo | Name |
Dr. Prithi Venkatesh Associate Professor and Head - Department of Special Education Ph Off : 2502570 Email: |
Dr. Santosh Yadav Assistant Professor in Special Education Ph Off : 2502244 Email: |
Ms. P.V. Ramanakumari Special Educator Ph Off : 2519 Email: |
Ms. Sumana H.P. Special Educator Ph Off : 0821 2502569 Email: |
Ms. Kumudha R. Special Educator Ph Off : 0821 2502569 Email: |
Ms. K. Anjana Special Educator Ph Off : 0821 2502569 Email: |
Ms. S. Vijayalakshmi Special Educator Ph Off : 0821 2502569 Email: |
Dr. Kadambari Naniwadekar Special Educator Ph Off : 0821 2502567 Email: |
Ms. Sreevidya M. S. Special Educator Ph Off : 0821 2502569 Email: |
Ms. Leena. C.C. Special Educator Ph Off : 2502569 Email: |
Ms. Shobha B.N. Special Educator Ph Off : 2502569 Email: |
Mr. Rajkumar R. Special Educator Ph Off : 2502569 Email: |
Mr. Balu M. Specail Educator Ph Off : 2502569 Email: |
Ms. Lakshmi. S Special Educator Ph Off : 2502569 Email: |
Mr. Sandesh.S.C Assistant Grade III Ph Off : 2502566 Email: |
A) Human Resource Development
The department is involved in human resource development to teach children with hearing impairment at preschool level, in inclusive schools and special schools, to carry out training programs and need based research.
Long Term Training Programmes
- DECSE-HI: Diploma in Early Childhood Special Education – (Hearing Impairment)
- B.Ed.Spl.Ed.(HI): Bachelors of Education in Special Education (Hearing Impairment)
- M.Ed.Spl.Ed.(HI): Master of Education in Special Education (Hearing Impairment)
- Ph.D in Special Education
Short Term Training programmes
- Workshops
- Seminars
- Conferences
- Parent Help Parents Programme (PHPP)
B) Special Educational Service Delivery for Children with Communication Disorders
In order to achieve the mission of mainstreaming children with special needs various educational services such as Special Educational Assessment Unit (SEA-U), Parent Infant Programme (PIP), Preschool Parent Empowerment Programme (PPEP), Preschool Programme, Preschool Supplementary Services (PSS), Group Educational Guidance Service (GEGS), Individualized Education Programme (IEP), Curricular Support Services (CSS), Non-formal education (NFE), Demonstration Educational Training (DET) and Guidance and Counselling are provided to children with communication disorders and their caregivers are provided.
Parents / caregivers are empowered to manage children with special needs through training for parallel teaching in preschool. Their knowledge base is enriched through periodic orientation programme. Practical training is also provided to them in developing special teaching-learning material for children with communication disorders. In addition, basic literacy and computer literacy programme are also provided. The details of the various services are shown in Figure 1
Support Services for Caregivers & Educators
Events in the Department
4. Down's Syndrome Day celebration
8. International Day of People with Disability (IDPWD)
9.Orientation programme as part of IQAC
10.Parent Enrichment Programs(PEP)
11.Parents Help Parents Program (PHPP)
12.Seminars/Workshops/CRE organized
14.Caregivers Computer Training Program
Resources and Infrastructure
- HOD Chamber
- Office - 1 cabin
- Faculty rooms - 2 rooms
- Staff room - 1 room with 10 shared cubicles
- SEA – U 2 cabins
- Class rooms - 21 rooms
- Computer training room
- Audio Visual room with mirrored walls and audio visual display facilities
- LiBoToy - 1 room and display corridor
- SUMERU - 2 Sound treated rooms
- 1 Parent Infant Program - 1 room and open space in hall
- Edutech Lab - 1 room
- Equipment room - 1 room
- Teaching Learning Material room
- Prayer hall
First floor/Terrace
- Get –together-cum-recreational area
- 1 Sensory material room
- 1 Sand play station
- 1 Dark room for visual stimulation
- Smart board with activstudio software
- FM hearing aids