Major Functions
- Advertisement & Recruitment of Group A, B & C regular posts, Deputation/Contract posts of Group A, B & C. Dealing of Transfers.
- Dealings with Policy matters regarding recruitment and administrative service matters. Ministry correspondences related with recruitment, promotion, vacancy and allowances.
- Processing of all kinds of Offer letters, extension, relieving and issue of service certificates to contract employees, M.Sc. Placements, Research officers for DST & ARF projects. Conveying of Government/ SFC Orders related to pay and allowances to concerned sections.
- Furnishing information to offline and online RTI Applications related to Recruitment & Personnel matters.
- Promotion to Group 'A' Non-Faculty, Group.'B' & 'C' Posts. Seniority, MACP, APS to Group A Faculty and declaration of Probation & Confirmation.
- Initiation of Service Book and opening of SR-II of the selected candidates appointed on regular basis
- Issue of circular for annual immovable property &collection of details, maintenance of Reservation Rosters.
- Conduction of Induction programme for newly recruits and ensuring enrolment & completion of Prarambh Curated program on IGoT E-Karnayogi.
Pic: Personnel Section, Second Floor, Administrative Block, AIISH Mysore