Centre for Speech Language Sciences

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Overview of the Centre

Centre of Excellence in Speech and Language Sciences is a research centre at All India Institute of Speech and Hearing. The centre aims to understand deeply the speech and language perception and processing aspects in individuals with typical / normal communication abilities and communication disorders. Using a variety of approaches like acoustic, auditory-perceptual, neuro-physiological methods to understand how different populations from children to adults to the elderly perceive human speech, including its articulation, fluency, voice, and language.

 Efficacy of treatment studies such as prolonged speech treatment technique, and transcranial direct current stimulation technique has any beneficial effect on dysfluencies and determining the evidence based voice therapy techniques for hypofunctional voice disorders are few of the on-going research in the centre.

Also, centre is designated to study the biological processes that underlie cognition with a specific focus on neural connections in brain which are responsible for various mental processes.

Further, the centre focus on examining the differences between the neural circuits in the between healthy and cognitive deficits due to brain lesions using psychophysics, cognitive psychology, functional neuro-imaging, and electrophysiology procedures.

In addition, the centre envisage to develop and validate different assessment tools for voice/ fluency/ language/ phonology and its disorders across different individuals in terms of age and gender. Also, the centre aimed to develop various manuals or therapy protocols for various disorders of voice/ fluency/ language/ phonology in Indian context.

Equipment and infrastructure


CSL-MDVP software program (Model No: CSL Model 4500b)

Nasometer (Model No: Nasometer II 6450)

Ultrasound (Model No: Ultrasound MicrUs EXT-1H)


fNIRS (Model No: fNIRS model 2000C)

Transcortical Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) (4*1 High Definition tDCS, model: 4*1-C3A)

Faculty and Staff


Dr R Rajasudhakar 
Associate Professor in Speech Sciences &
Coordinator, CE-SLS
Email ID: rajasudhakar@aiishmysore.in
Contact No: 0821-2502724

Dr Santosh M
Professor in Speech Sciences
Email ID: santoshm@aiishhmysore.in
Contact No: 0821-2502523

Dr T Jayakumar
Professor in Speech Sciences
Email ID: jayakumar@aiishmysore.in
Contact No: 0821-2502253

Dr Abhishek B P 
Assistant Professor in Language Pathology &
Member Secretary, CE-SLS
Email ID: abhishekbp@aiishmysore.in Contact No: 0821-2502823