The All India Institute of Speech and Hearing popularly known as AIISH is a pioneer national organization advancing the causes of human resource development, research, clinical care and public education on communication disorders. The institute was established in the year 1966 as an autonomous institute fully funded by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.

Situated in a lush green campus of 32 acres adjacent to the University of Mysore in Manasagangothri, Mysore, it is a unique institute in the Asian sub-continent which houses eleven departments having state-of-the-art facilities to offer inter-disciplinary research and training to the students, Ladies hostel, Administrative, Academic, Clinical buildings and the Knowledge park along with a well equipped Library and Information Centre. There are two additional campuses – one is named as Panchvati and the other newly endowed campus is at Varuna, Mysuru.

Director's Desk

director desk

Prof. M. Pushpavathi completed her undergraduate [B.Sc (Speech & Hearing)], post graduate [M.Sc (Speech and Hearing)], and Ph.D (Speech and Hearing) degree from the All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Manasagangothri, Mysore.

She has over 22 years of experience in teaching undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral students. She is a Professor in Speech Language Pathology and the Director currently. Her special areas of interest include the disorders of speech specifically speech disorders related to orofacial anomalies and voice disorders. She has guided 75 masters and 8 doctoral students for their Dissertations and Thesis.


Professional Training

The institute offers 18 long-term academic programs ranging from diploma to post-doctoral degrees related to communication disorders and allied areas. Courses, such as, Diploma programs (Diploma in Hearing Aid & Earmould Technology, Diploma in Training Young Hearing Impaired Children and Diploma in Hearing Language and Speech; undergraduate programs (B.ASLP and B.S.Ed - Hearing-Impairment); PG Diploma programs in Clinical Linguistics for Speech-Language Pathology and Forensic Speech Science and Technology; PG Diploma in Neuro Audiology and PG Diploma in Augmentative and Alternative Communication; post-graduate courses (M.Sc. in Audiology, M.Sc. in Speech-Language Pathology and M.S.Ed-Hearing-Impairment) are offered for students. Other than these courses, the Institute offers PhD programs in Audiology, Speech-Language Pathology, Speech & Hearing, Linguistics and Special Education. It also offers Post-Doctoral Fellowships.

Clinical Services

Equipped with state of art equipment and techniques, the institute provides clinical services to clients of all ages having a whole range of communication disorders. It caters to persons with speech, language, hearing and swallowing disorders. Assessment and rehabilitation services are provided to pediatric, adult and geriatric groups for any type of communication difficulties. Out-patient consultations by Audiologists, Speech-Language Pathologists, ENT specialists, Clinical Psychologists, Physiotherapists, and Occupational therapists, are offered at the institute on a regular basis. Multi-disciplinary services are also provided by a team of professionals such as Plastic surgeons, Phono-surgeon, Neurologists, Pediatrician, Orthodontists and Dieticians on a consultancy basis. Speech-language therapy, Special education, feeding and swallowing therapy, physiotherapy and occupational therapies are provided at the institute on a customary basis; and also, demonstration therapy for shorter duration are provided to needy patients. The institute also offers its services through tele-mode.

Research Activities

Consequent to a decision of the Executive Council of the institute, which met on 12th March 2001, a separate fund, known as "AIISH Research Fund" has been established at the institute. The objectives of the fund are to promote multidisciplinary research in the area of speech and hearing. It is hoped that faculty of the institute and other professionals will make use of this scheme to increase, both the quantitative and the qualitative output of research. It is proposed to award short-term projects of 8-10 months duration with a budget of not exceeding Rs.5 lakhs.

Public Education

The Institute has been taking various steps to make the common man aware of communication disorders, educate them on prevention of the disorders and provide guidance and counseling to persons suffering from such disorders. The institute carries out various public education activities on communication disorders like monthly public lectures, preparation and dissemination of information resources, street plays and rallies, orientation lectures/sensitization programs, mass media and social media platforms in the form of newspaper and magazine publications, live Radio/Television talks, and interviews to create awareness among public on the prevention of communication disorders. In addition, school screening, industrial screening, elderly screening and bedside screening are carried out. Also, tele-assessment and tele-intervention services to the doorsteps of persons with communication disorders across the country and abroad are being carried out. The institute develops and disseminates a variety of information resources on communication disorders in different media formats.

Extension Services

The institute has collaborated with other reputed institutes of the country and has initiated the Diploma in Hearing Language and Speech (DHLS) program through distance mode; aiming towards the faster rate of manpower development at the Assistant/Technician level. This program is presently running at the All India Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Mumbai, Atal Bihari Vajpayee Institute of Medical Sciences & Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, New Delhi, Jawahar Lal Nehru Medical College, Ajmer; Indira Gandhi Medical College & Hospital, Shimla, King George Medical University, Lucknow, Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Ranchi, Sri Ramachandra Bhanj, Medical College & Hospital, Cuttack, and Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College & Hospital, Bhagalpur. Newborn/infant screening is carried out at 14 hospitals in and around Mysuru, 3 immunization centres, 7 newborn screening centres across the country, 23 Out-reach Service Centres at Primary Health Centre/Community Health Centre/Taluk Hospitals and 14 New Born Screening Centres at various Hospitals across the country. The institute organizes communication disorder screening camps in different localities in the state and other parts of the country.

Infrastructure & Supporting Services

Situated in a lush green campus of 32 acres adjacent to the University of Mysore in Manasagangothri, Mysore, it is a unique institute in the Asian sub-continent which houses eleven departments having state-of-the-art facilities to offer inter-disciplinary research and training to the students. Other supporting infrastructure/facilities such as Centre of Excellence building, Ladies hostel, Administrative Block, Academic Block, Clinical buildings, Canteen, Kuteera(For Patients) and the Knowledge park along with a well equipped Library and Information Centre. There are two additional campuses – one is named as Panchvati and the other newly endowed campus is at Varuna, Mysuru. The Panchvati campus accommodates the Gents hostel, International Guest House, Sports facilities and Gym. The institute is advancing well to build the new campus at Varuna.

Professional Training

Clinical Services

Research Activities

Public Education

Extension Services

Infrastructure & Supporting Services
