Dr. S. P. Goswami
Professor in Speech Pathology, Department of Speech Language Pathology
Email: goswami16@aiishmysore.in
Phone Office: 2502320
Dr. S. P. Goswami holds Ph. D in Speech and Hearing and also PGDHRM and MBA in Health Care Management. He is first Speech and Hearing professional to receive the prestigious CV Raman fellowship from UGC, Government of India as Visiting Scholar at College of Applied Health Sciences, Department of Speech & Hearing Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. USA Presently he is working as Professor and Head Department of Speech-Language Pathology, formerly worked as, Head-Telecentre for Persons with Communication Disorder Head, Department of Speech-Language Pathology, Academic coordinator, Clinical services, AIISH, Mysore. He has more than 22 years of academic, clinical, research and administrative experience. He works in the area of Aphasia, ageing and neuro-cognitive communication disorders in adults and elderly. He has completed more than 25 research projects and is presently working on two projects funded by national and international bodies. He has published more than 65 research articles in national and international journals, 20 in-house publication and 35 Books/ chapters/tools/tests with ISBN numbers. Nine candidates have been awarded Ph.D. and six are presently pursuing for their doctorate program under his guidance. He was instrumental in framing the document for the scope of practice in Audiology and Speech Language
Pathology in India in the year 2010. He has severed at national forum for capacity building, matters for framing policy, NAAC and other national bodies in the area of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology. He has ben also nominated as a General Council Member of AYJNISHD, Mumbai and Chairperson, Academic Council, NIPMED, Chennai. He has served ISHA for more than 14 years in the capacity of Honorary Editor, Secretary, Treasurer and joint secretary and presently serving as President Elect.
- G. Krishnan, S.P. Goswami, P.M. Mohan et al (2022). Timing and sequencing of oro-pharyngeal swallow events in persistent dysphagia post-stroke, Revista de Logopedia, Foniatría y Audiología, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rlfa.2022.01.001
- Nikitha M, Goswami S. P. (2022) Gesture Identification in a Person with Crossed Aphasia: A Case Study. International Archives of Communication Disorders. 4:019. doi.org/10.23937/2643-4148/1710019
- Sonam Belliappa., & Goswami, S. P. (2021). Effect of Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES) on swallowing in Persons with Parkinson’s disease exhibiting Dysphagia: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Clinical Case Reports and Reviews. 6(4). DOI: 10.31579/2690-4861/105
- Sonam Belliappa., & Goswami, S. P. (2021). Pseudodysphagia in a person with Parkinson’s Disease: A case report. Research and Reviews: A Journal of Neuroscience. 11(3). 15-21.
- Malar, G., & Goswami, S. P. (2021). Adapting Academic Assessment for Advancing Achievement of Children with Communication Disorders in Inclusive Classrooms. Retrievable from Pearson ClinicalIndia: https://pearsonclinical.in/adapting-academic-assessment-for-advancing-achievement/
- Malar, G., & Goswami, S. P. (2021). Accept and Appreciate Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders to Facilitate their Adjustment and Achievement in Mainstreams of Education. Retrievable from Pearson Clinical India: https://pearsonclinical.in/accept-and-appreciate-children-with-neurodevelopmental-disorders-to-facilitate-their-adjustment-and-achievement-in-mainstreams-of-education/
- Vineetha Sara Philip & S. P. Goswami (2021). Preference between Indian Picture Symbols for Communication (IPSC) and Picture Communication Symbols (PCS) in neurotypical adults and adults with aphasia. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing. DoI:10.1080/205571X.2021.1923303
- Leroi I, Vaitheswaran S, Sheikh S, Chaudhry N, Goswami S P, Miah J, Sakel M, Tofique S, Husain N. (2020). Capacity & capability building for applied dementia research in low- & middle-income countries: Two exemplars from South Asia. Indian J Med Res 2020; 152:614-25
- Deepak P, Goswami S.P (2020). Effect of semantic cueing for verbs and its thematic role approach on priming of verbs and its thematic roles in persons with aphasia. Journal of Indian Speech Language Hearing Association. 2020; 34:273-83.
- Chandrashekarappa M S., Krishna.M, K. Krupp .,J. Poornima., Chaithra V Urs., Goswami.,S.P. Kavitha.R.,Anisa Khan, Anjali., A., Piers Dawes.,P Newall.J &, M. Purnima. Size at birth and cognitive function among rural adolescents: a life course epidemiology study protocol of the Kisalaya cohort in Mysuru, South India BMJ Paediatrics Open 2020;4: e000789. doi: 10.1136/bmjpo-2020-000789
- D.U., Bharath., L. Monisha., K. Murali., V. Sridhar., C. Mina., K. Shaji., Sivaraman, S.P. Goswami., R. Thara., Aimee Spector and Charlotte R. Stoner. (2020) Psychometric properties of outcome measures in non-pharmacological interventions of persons with dementia in low-and middle-income countries: A systematic review. Doi:10.1111/psvg.12647
- Vineetha Sara Philip & S.P. Goswami (2020) Comparing verbal and aided single sentence productions in Malayalam-speaking adults with aphasia: a preliminary investigation. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, DOI: 10.1080/02699206.2020.1855254
- Goswami, S.P. (2020). “Rights of Persons with Disability” Act: A Boon for Persons with Aphasia. Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology, 23 (8). S 51.
- Deepak, P. Goswami, S.P. (2020) Effectiveness of semantic-based treatment in persons with aphasia. Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology, 23 (8), S123-129.
- Darshan, H, S. Goswami, S.P. (2020). Effect of distance between marker agreement dependencies on sentence comprehension in persons with aphasia. Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology, 23 (8), S 149-155.
- Goswami, S.P; Anita, R; Sharma, K (2020). Introduction of Indian Sign Language in Inclusive Education. Disability, CBR & Inclusive Development, 30 (4)96-110
- Nikitha, M., Darshan, H. S., Abhishek, B. P., & Goswami, S. P. (2020). Clinical Profiling of a Bilingual Client with Anomic Aphasia. Annals of Neurosciences. https://doi.org/10.1177/0972753120927518
- Darshan H.S., Deepak P., Archana Rao R., Goswami, S.P. (2020). Verbal Working Memory in Bilinguals: An Exploratory Study. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Health Professions. 10(1): 37-47.
- Mohan, M, P., Goswami S, P, Menon, R.N. (2020). Evidence of animacy effects in novel word learning via fast mapping and explicit encoding in adults. Journal Indian Speech Language Hearing Association. 34:10-16.
- Gayathri, K., & Goswami, S. P. (2019) The Effect of Chin-Down Position and Bolus Volume on Swallow-Induced Respiratory Measures in Young Healthy Adults. SN Comprehensive Clinical Medicine, 1-11.
- Deepak. Darshan H.S., Shoban Banoth., Abhishek B.P., & Goswami S.P. (2019). Knowledge and Awareness of Dementia in General Public: A Survey Study. International Journal of Mind, Brain & Cognition 10 (1-2), 188- 196.
- Goswami S.P., Brajesh Priyadarshi., Sharon Mathews., Aditi Rao., & Vimala J. Kasturi, (2019). Factors of Recovery as Barriers and Facilitators: Two Sides of the Same Coin. International Journal of Mind, Brain & Cognition 10 (1-2), 142- 153.
- Goswami S. P., Vimala j. Kasturi, (2019). Task Compliance to App-based Rehabilitation in Persons with Aphasia in India. International Journal of Mind, Brain & Cognition 10 (1-2), 97- 108.
- Goswami, S.P., Kidwai, J., Rao, A., Kasturi, V. J., & Krishna, N. (2019). MAAT: A Communication Tool for Persons with Aphasia. International Journal of Mind, Brain & Cognition 10 (1-2), 70 - 87.
- Francis, R.C. & Goswami, S.P. (2019). Development of Smiley Stroop Task for Assessment of Cognitive Communication Disorders. International Journal of Mind, Brain & Cognition 10 (1-2), 10 - 21.
- Mohan, P. M., Goswami, S.P., & Menon, R. (2019). Confrontation Naming Skills in Persons with Medically Intractable Temporal and Extra-Temporal Epilepsy. Research Review International Journal of Multidisciplinary. 4(4), 1186 – 1190
- Mohan, P. M., Goswami, S.P., & Menon, R. (2019) Utility of Western Aphasia Battery for Lateralizing Language Deficits in Persons with Medically Intractable temporal and extra temporal epilepsy. International Journal of Health Science Research, 9(5), 288-296.
- Goswami, S. P., Francis, C.R. (2019). Treatment of Underlying Language Impairment to Overcome Perseveration – A Case Study. Journal of Indian Speech Language Hearing Association, 37, 55-63.
- Pauranik, A., George. A., Sahu, A., Nehra, A., Paplikar, A., Bhat, C, Krishnan. G., Kaur., H ,Saini.J., , Suresh P. A., Ojha, P., Singh, P., Sancheti, P., Karanth, P., Mathuranath, P.S., Goswami, S.P., Chitnis, S., Sundar, N., Alladi, S., Faroqi-Shah, Y. (2018). Expert Group Meeting on Aphasia: A Report. Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology DOI: 10.4103/aian.AIAN_330_18
- Reuben, T. V., & Goswami, S.P. (2018). Episodic Memory deficits: Comparison between persons with Dementia of Alzheimer’s type, Mild Cognitive Impairment & Healthy Elderly controls. International Journal of Advanced Research 6(9), 300-306. ISSN Print: 2320-5407.
- Reuben, T. V., & Goswami, S.P. (2018). Semantic Fluency: A Speech Marker for Persons with Dementia of Alzheimer’s Type. International Journal of Psychology and Psychiatry, 6(2). 32-47.
- Gayathri, K., & Goswami, S. P. (2018). Dysphagia Research in India: A Status Report. Journal of Indian Speech and Hearing Association (JISHA), 38 (2), 39-46.
- Goswami, S. P., Priyadarshi, B., Mathews, S., Vasudevamurthy, A. (2018). Gestures and discourse markers: Communicative facilitators in persons with aphasia. Journal of Indian Speech Language Hearing Association; 32, 1, 1-5.
- Goswami, S.P., Ramkumar, S., & Mathews S., (2018). Income and Work Satisfaction among Speech and Hearing Professionals in India: Two Sides of the Same Coin, Journal of Indian Speech and Hearing Association, 32, 1, 16-22.
- Thomas, T. P. & Goswami S. P. (2016). “Confrontation Naming and Modality Specificity in Persons with Alzheimer's Disease”. Asian Journal of Cognitive Neurology. 4(1), 21-29.
- Priyadarshi, B., Goswami, S. P., Sen, M. & Kidwai, J. (2016). Is the Development of Reading Skill Linear? Journal of Advanced Linguistic Studies, 5, 1-2, Jan-Dec 2016.
- Thomas, T. P. & Goswami S. P. (2016). Word Association Ability in Persons with Aphasia and Dementia. Language in India www.languageindia.com 16, 8, 134-154.
- Thomas, T. P. & Goswami S. P. & Samasthitha, S. (2016). Developmental Coordination Disorder (Dyspraxia). Asian Journal of Cognitive Neurology.3 (1), 41-43.
- Goswami, S. P., Venkatesan, S. & Mathews S. (2016). Disability Certification: Issues and Concerns. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 34, 1-7.
- Goswami, S. P., Kidwai J., Kasturi V.J. & Sharma R. (2016). Functional Communication: Panacea for Persons with Aphasia. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 101, 109.
- Thomas, T. P. & Goswami S. P. (2015). Category Specific Confrontation Naming in Persons with Alzheimer’s disease. International Journal of Mind, Brain & Cognition 6, 1-2,51-73.
- Goswami, S. P. & Priyadarshi, B (2015). Is apparent regression an indicator of linguistic progress? Journal of Child Language Acquisition and Development, 3 (3) 169-176.
- Lagishetti, K. S., Goswami, S. P. (2014). Semantic Categorization: Atypicality effect. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 33, 92-98.
- Sankar, R., G., Goswami, S. P., Thomas, T. P., Pringle, H. (2013). Effect of Educational documentary in Field of Communication disorders. International Journal of Communication, 23, 1-2, 108-124.
- Kumar, S., & Goswami, S. P. (2013). Development of Syntax Comprehension Test in Hindi Language for Persons with Aphasia. Language in India www.languageindia.com 13, 8, 346-360.
- Lagishetti, K. S., Goswami, S. P. (2013). Processing of Frequent versus Infrequent Words in Neuro-typical and Persons with Broca’s Aphasia- ERP Study. Language in India www.languageindia.com 13, 8, 326-345.
- Kumar, S. K. & Goswami, S. P. (2013). Gesture comprehension in persons with aphasia. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 32, 135-138.
- Thomas, T. P. & Goswami S. P. (2013). Effect of aging on oral and written confrontation naming in Kannada and English. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 32, 107-112.
- Kumar, S. K. & Goswami S. P. (2012). Phonology comprehension Deficits in Persons with Aphasia. Language in India www.languageindia.com, 12:2, 643 – 658.
- Goswami, S. P., Shanbal, J. C., Samasthitha, S. & Navitha, U. (2012). Field Testing of Manual for Adult Non-Fluent Aphasia Therapy in Kannada (MANAT-K). Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 31, 97-108.
- Lagishetti, K. S., Goswami, S. P. (2012). Measurement of Reaction Time for Processing of Concrete and Abstract Words. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 31, 139-144.
- Kumar, S. & Goswami, S. P. (2012). Paragraph Comprehension Deficits in Hindi Speaking Persons with Aphasia in Different Modalities: A Preliminary Study. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 31, 145-152.
- Goswami, S. P., Bhutada, A. & Jayachandran, K. (2012). Telepractice in a Person with Aphasia. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 31, 159-167.
- Priyadarshi, B., Goswami, S. P. & Sen, M. (2012). The Relationship of Auditory and Visual Perception with Reading Related Skills. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 31, 168-176.
- Kumar, S., & Goswami, S. P. (2012). Semantic Comprehension Deficits in Hindi Speaking Persons with Aphasia: A Preliminary Report. Journal of Indian Speech Language and Hearing Association, 26, 1, 43-61.
- Arya, P., Goswami, S. P., Gupta, A., & Batra, R. (2011). Correct Information Unit (CIU) as a Measure of Communicative Informativeness and Efficiency in Persons with Aphasia. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 30, 130-137. ISSN 0973-662X
- Roy, M. E., Paul, S., & Goswami, S. P. (2009). Verbal memory Span and Sequential Memory in Children with Learning Disability. Journal of Indian Speech and Hearing Association, 23, 19-24.
- Maitreyee, R., & Goswami, S.P. (2009). Inter-lingual homophone Retrieval in Bilinguals. Journal of Indian Speech and Hearing Association, 23, 33-41.
- Batra, R., Gnanavel, K., & Goswami, S.P. (2009). Consumer Satisfaction Index of caregivers of Individuals with Communication Disorders. Journal of the All India Institute of Speech & Hearing, 28, 142-148
- Krupha, M., V., Asthana, N., & Goswami, S. P. (2008). Influence of Lingualism on Generative Naming Task. Journal of Indian Speech and Hearing Association, 22, 55-61.
- Bansal, M., Goswami, S. P. & Thangavel, B. A. (2007). Visual word recognition in Hindi path through semantic or phonological coding: A Preliminary investigation. Journal of Indian Speech and Hearing Association, 21, 52-58
- Rajasudhakar, R., Venugopal, M. B., Goswami, S. P. (2006). Attitudes of prospective, elementary, and special school teachers towards children who stutters in school situation. Journal of Indian Speech and Hearing Association, 20, 7-14.
- Venugopal, M. B., Rajasudhakar, R. & Goswami, S. P. (2006). Foix-Chavany-Marie syndrome: A case study. Journal of Indian Speech and Hearing Association, 20, 15-20.
- Rajasudhakar, R., Venugopal, M. B. & Goswami, S. P. (2004). Lexical generative Naming task in children with learning disability. Journal of Indian Speech and Hearing Association, 18, 86-91.
- Sreelakshmi, Venkatraja, A. U., Rajashekhar, B. & Goswami, S. P. (2002). Clinical course and importance of periodic assessment in Wernicke’s Aphasia- A practical experience. Journal of Indian Speech and Hearing Association, l5, 108
- Satish, K., Goswami, S. P. & Shyamala, K. C. (2001). Comprehension deficits in TBI aphasics. Journal of Indian Speech and Hearing Association, l5, 91-93
- In-house publications (20)
- Priyadarshi, B. & Goswami, S. P. (2015). An adaptation of early reading skills (ERS) in Hindi (ERS-H). Compendium of research funded by ARF, 1, 43-52, ISBN No. 978-93-81-584-32-3
- Goswami, S. P., & Priya, M. B. (2015). Screening and diagnostic test materials and intervention manuals for speech and language disorders. Compendium of research funded by ARF, 1, 94-102, ISBN No. 978-93-81-584-32-3
- Reddy, M, S. & Goswami, S.P., (2013). A study of code mixing and code switching in neuro-typical Telugu-English bilingual adults Vol. XI, 101-109, Student Research at AIISH, Mysore.
- Dharamkar, S & Goswami, S.P. (2013). Development of bedside screening test for persons with aphasia in Telugu Vol. XI, 193-199, Student Research at AIISH, Mysore, ISBN No. 978-93-81-584-73-6
- Monalisa, J. & Goswami, S.P (2012). Development of Bedside Screening Test for Aphasia in Odiya. Vol X, -146-158, ISBN No. 978-93-81-584-71-2
- Kanthima, V. & Goswami, S.P. (2011). Development of Bedside Screening Test for Aphasia in Malayalam. Vol X, 39-41
- Kruthi, H.R. & Goswami, S.P (2011). Manual for treatment of reading, writing and arithmetic for persons with Adult Aphasia in Kannada [MTRA3A2 – K], Vol X, 59-63.
- Ramya, H.Y. & & Goswami, S.P (2011). Development of Bedside Screening Test for Aphasia in Kannada. Vol X, 184-189.
- Bijoyaa, M. & Goswami, S.P (2010). Development of Revised Token Test in Oriya. Vol VIII, 43-52.
- Lakshmi, S. & Goswami, S.P. (2010). Cognitive Linguistic Assessment Protocol in Malayalam: An Adaptation of CLAP in Kannada, Vol VIII, 98-105.
- Lincy, M.V. & Goswami, S.P (2010). Development of Revised token test in Malayalam, Vol VIII, 121-130.
- Chaitra, S. & Goswami, S.P (2009). Manual for Adult Fluent Aphasia Therapy – in Kannada [MAFAT – K], Vol VII, 61-66.
- Ramya, M. & Goswami.S. P (2009). Language Proficiency Questionnaire: An Adaptation of LEAP – Q in Indian Context. Vol VII, 214-232.
- Samasthitha, S. & Goswami, S.P (2009). Meta – Phonological Abilities in Monolingual and Bilingual children: A comparative study, Vol VII, 249-261.
- Pradyumn, S & Goswami, S. P. (2008). Semantic and Phonological Priming in Children with LD: Word Reading Task. Student Research Vol. IV, 56-69, AIISH. A Publication of AIISH, Mysore, ISBN No. 978-93-81-584-73-6
- Shinde, R. P. & Goswami, S. P. (2008). Word Retrieval Manual: Hindi Aphasics. Student Research Vol. IV, 70-74, AIISH. A Publication of AIISH, Mysore
- Venogopal, M. B. & Goswami, S. P. (2008). Manual for Adult Non-Fluent Aphasia Therapy- in Kannada (MANAT-Kannada). Student Research Vol. III, 181-189 AIISH. A Publication of AIISH, Mysore
- Deshpande, R. & Goswami, S. P. (2008). Manual for adult non-fluent aphasia therapy-in Hindi (MANAT-Hindi). Student Research Vol. II AIISH. A Publication of AIISH, Mysore
- Tiwari, S. & Goswami, S. P. (2008) Cognitive deficits in traumatic brain injured adults. Student Research Vol. II AIISH. A Publication of AIISH, Mysore.
- Bansal, M. & Goswami, S. P. (2008). Non-verbal sequential Memory in Broca’s Aphasia. Student Research Vol. IV, 26-35, AIISH. A Publication of AIISH, Mysore
Research Grants- Externally funded
1. |
Completed in July 2021 |
Scalable Hearing Rehabilitation for Low and Middle income countries (SHRLMIC). Chief Investigators: Dr. John Newel, Macquarie University, Dr. S P Goswami and Dr. C Geetha. Funded by Macquarie and United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), INR 6,84,263.00/- |
2. |
Completed in August 2021
SENSE-COG Asia: An open label feasibility study of a supportive hearing intervention in dementia Chief Investigators: Dr. Iracema Lerol, University of Manchester & Dr. Nusrat Husain, University of Manchester PI: Dr. S P Goswami & Dr. Murali Krishna Co. PI: Dr. M Sandeep, Funded by University of Manchester. INR 4,75,883/- |
3. |
Ongoing |
Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) for dementia: International implementation in Brazil, India and Tanzania (CST-International). PI: Dr. Mina Chandra – Co-PI: Dr. Smita Deshpande, Dr. Sridhar Vaitheswaran, Dr. Murali Krishna & Dr. S P Goswami, Global Allowance for Chronic Disease (GACD) & ICMR, New Delhi Research Fund |
4. |
Ongoing |
Improving diagnosis and access to health care services for persons with dementia using android based applications by community health workers. Dr. Mina Chandra – PI Dr. Smita N Deshpande, Dr. Murali Krishnan & Dr. S.P.Goswami, Dr. K S Shaji, Dr. Charan Singh, Dr. Bhagyashree Raghavan – Co-PIs |
5. |
Completed in March 2020 |
Development of Battery for Cognitive Communication– Kannada (BCC-K). PI: Dr. S. P. Goswami (Rs. 25, 62,608), Funded by ICMR, Ref.No.GIA/87/2014-DHR-365 dated 09.07.2015. – Completed, March 2020 |
6. |
Development of Manual for adult non-fluent and fluent aphasia therapy in- Hindi, English, Tamil, Malayalam Telugu and Marathi. PI: Dr. S. P. Goswami (Rs. 15, 43,600) Completed in June 2015, Funded by DST, Ref.No. SR/CSI/75/20111 (G) dated 22.02.2012. Completed, January 2015 |
7. |
2012-2013 |
Development of Cognitive and Linguistic Intervention Manual: Malayalam Speaking Persons with Dementia (CLIM: MPD). PI: Dr. S. P. Goswami (Rs. 12, 27,870) Completed in July 2013, Funded by ICMR, Ref.No.DHR/plan scheme/GIA/6/2012 dated 31.03.2012. Completed, March, 2013 |
Internally funded by AIISH, Mysore
1. |
2018-19 |
Development of an Objective tool for Aphasia Assessment through Artificial Neural Networks. PI: Dr.S.P. Goswami (`4, 83,000). Completed in Dec, 2019 |
2. |
2017-18 |
Life satisfaction and quality of life in persons with Aphasia beyond communication. PI: Dr.S.P. Goswami (`4, 96,000). Completed in March, 2019. |
3. |
2017-18 |
TOLD-H: An adaptation of TOLD. Co-PI: Dr.S.P. Goswami (`4, 96,000). Completed in February, 2019. |
4. |
2016-17 |
A Descriptive Study on Videofluroscopic measures of Neurogenic Dysphagia in Patients with stroke and motor neuron disease. PI: Dr.S.P.Goswami , Completed in Dec, 2018 |
5. |
2016-17 |
An adaptation of Bankson Language Screening Test in Hindi (BLST-H). Co- PI: Dr.S.P. Goswami (` 4, 93,000). Completed in January, 2019 |
6. |
2016-17 |
Field-testing of Constant Therapy in Hindi and Kannada. PI: Dr.S.P. Goswami (`4, 93,000). Completed in April, 2019 |
7. |
2014-15 |
Status Report of Speech and Hearing Professionals Graduated from AIISH-National and Global Scenario. PI: Dr.S.P.Goswami (` 4,50,000) Completed in July 2015 |
8. |
2014-17 |
Stories of Aphasia: Exploring paths to recovery in India. PI: Dr.S.P.Goswami (`18,99,000) Completed in December, 2018 |
9. |
2012-13 |
Validating Manual for Treatment of 3R (Reading, Writing and Arithmetic) in Persons with Adult Aphasia- in Kannada (MTR3A2-K). PI: Dr.S.P.Goswami ( 3.11, 000) Completed in July 2013 |
10. |
2011-13 |
Computerized version of Manual for Adult Fluent and Non-Fluent Aphasia therapy in Kannada. PI: Dr.S.P.Goswami (` 4, 26,000) Completed in April 2013 |
11. |
2011-12 |
Screening and Diagnostic test materials and Intervention Manuals for Speech and Language Disorders. PI: Dr. S. P. Goswami (` 2, 00,000) Completed in April 2012 |
12. |
2012-13 |
An Adaptation of Early Reading Skill (ERS) in Hindi. Co-PI: Dr. S. P. Goswami (` 4, 26,000) Completed in August 2013 |
13. |
2010-11 |
Field Testing of Manual of Adult Fluent Therapy-in Kannada. PI: Dr. S. P. Goswami (` 4,32,000) Completed in August 2011 |
14. |
2010-11 |
Assessment battery for children with Language based Learning Disability (ABC-LLD). Co-PI: Dr.S. P.Goswami (` 3,23,000) Completed in August 2011 |
15. |
2010-11 |
Screening Test for acquisition of Syntax in Malayalam (STAS-M). Co-PI: Dr.S. P.Goswami (` 2,44,000) Completed in August 2011 |
16. |
2010-11 |
Screening Test for acquisition of Syntax in Telugu (STAS-T). Co-PI: Dr.S. P.Goswami (` 2,44,000) Completed in August 2011 |
17. |
2010-11 |
Development of Audio-Video Database for communication disorders. Co-PI: Dr.S. P.Goswami (` 3,23,000) Completed in August 2011 |
18. |
2009-10 |
Field Testing of Manual of Adult Non- Fluent Therapy-in Kannada. PI: Dr. S. P. Goswami (` 4,32,000) Completed in August 2010 |
19. |
2009-10 |
Screening Test for acquisition of Syntax in Hindi: An Adaption of STASK. PI: Dr. S. P. Goswami (`4,57,000) Completed in August 2010 |
20. |
2009-10 |
Development of Early Literacy Screening Tool. Co-PI: Dr. S. P. Goswami (` 4,32,000) Completed in August 2010 |
01.07.2012 Till date |
Professor of Speech Pathology at AIISH, Mysore |
16.04.2007 to 30.06.2012 |
Reader, Dept. of Speech Language Pathology at AIISH, Mysore |
03.06.2002 to 15.04.2016 |
Lecturer, Dept. of Speech Language Pathology at AIISH, Mysore |
08.08.2001 to 31.05.2002 |
lecturer in Speech and Hearing at Ali Yavar Jung National Institute for the Hearing Handicapped, Kolkata |
29.01.1999 to 03.08.2001 |
Clinical Assistant at AIISH, Mysore |
July 1998 to June, 1996 |
Speech Language Pathologist & Audiologist at Tantia Hospital and Sri Jaghdamba Mook Badhir School at Sri Ganganagar |
Administrative Positions at Institution level
January, 2020 till date |
Head, Dept. of Speech-Language Pathology at AIISH, Mysore. |
January, 2018 to December, 2019 |
Head, Dept. of Tele-center for Persons with Communication Disorders. |
January, 2016 to December, 2017 |
Head, Dept. of Speech-Language Pathology at AIISH, Mysore. |
January, 2016 to December, 2017 |
Academic Coordinator at AIISH, Mysore. |
January, 2014 to December, 2015 |
In-charge for UN Convention for Rights of Persons with Disabilities, at AIISH, Mysore |
September 2014 to December, 2019 |
Staff Grievance officer, at AIISH, Mysore. |
January 2010 to July 2013 |
Head, Dept. of Clinical Services at AIISH, Mysore |
August 2007 to July 2012 |
DHLS Coordinator for Ranchi, Lucknow & Ajmer Study Center |
January 2008 to December 2009 October, 2007 to July 2011 July 2007 to January 2008 |
Head, Dept. of Speech Language Pathology at AIISH, Mysore Journal Club/ Clinical Conference coordinator, Coordinator for the Project on Prevention of Communication Disorders, at AIISH, Mysore |
June 2002 to April 2004 |
Coordinator for the National programme on orientation training in the management of disability for the PHC doctors, at AIISH, Mysore |
June 2018 to December, 2019 |
Member Secretary for the Ethical Committee, AIISH, Mysore |
July 2018 till 31st January 2020. |
Member for the Research Advisory/Promotion Council, AIISH, Mysore |
August 2018 to December, 2019 |
Chairperson for the Hostel Committee, AIISH, Mysore |
- Aphasia
- Adult Language Disorders
- Bilingualism
- Cognition
- Organization and Planning
- Issues in disability