Dr. Rushi
Professor & Head, Department of Clinical Psychology
Email: rushi28@aiishmysore.in
Phone Office: 2502142
Education Qualifications: M.Phil in Medical & Social Psychology and PhD in Clinical Psychology from Ranchi Institute of Neuro-Psychiatry & Allied Sciences, Ranchi
Working Experience:
- Twenty Three (23) Years of Clinical and Research experience, Eighteen Years (18) of Teaching experience, and Nine (9) years of Administrative experience.
- Worked at AIHBAS, Amity University as Professor & Director
- Worked at ABVIMS, Dr. RML Hospital, New Delhi as Associate Professor and Head of Department, Clinical Psychology;
- Worked at NIMH as Assistant Professor, New Delhi;
- Worked at GMCH, Chandigarh, Department of Psychiatry, as Assistant Professor
- Worked at Institute of Human Behavior & Allied Sciences (IHBAS), Delhi, as Clinical Psychologist and Research Officer.
Brief Overview:
- Published papers in national and international peer reviewed and indexed journals, authored chapters in books and has published international Book on the themes ranging from child and adolescent mental health, psychological assessments, interventions, positive mental health, mental health promotion, disability, rehabilitation, caregivers burden, quality of life.
- Served as primary Supervisor of research at M.Phil and PhD level for more than 60 Scholars.
- Served as External Examiner for the students of M.Phil and PhD in Clinical Psychology at various Institutes/Universities like Central Institute of Psychiatry (CIP), Ranchi Institute of Neuro-Psychiatry & Allied Sciences (RINPAS), Institute of Human Behaviour & Allied Sciences (IHBAS), SGT University, Amity University etc.
- Organized various Conferences, Seminars, Workshops, CRE Programs on the topics like Neuro psychological rehabilitation of Traumatic Brain Injury, Trauma-Informed Psychotherapy, and various disabilities like Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Intellectual Disability, Specific Learning Disability, etc.
- Presented scientific papers in more than 100 national and International Conferences and Seminars.
- Has been Expert in various leading National Media like DD News, Doordarshan Kisaan, NDTV, Rajya Sabha channel, India TV, Sansad TV etc.
- Working on various Research Projects too, like a recent project funded by ICMR and the University of Pittsburgh, USA.
- Member of various Professional Bodies like Indian Association of Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Indian Association of Clinical Psychologists (IACP), Indian Association of Social Psychiatry, Association of Industrial Psychiatry of India, Indian Psychiatric Society-North Zone, Indian Academy of Health Psychology, etc.
- Member of Inspection by Rehabilitation Council of India, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment.
- Member Editorial Board of various National and International Journals like the Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology, Indian Journal of Medical Psychiatry, Journal of Psychosocial Well-Being, Indian Journal of School Health and Well-Being, American Research Journal of Psychiatry, etc.
- Member of the National Expert Committee for the content development of Modules and Training of the teachers for the early detection and intervention of mental health issues among children and adolescents, by Ministry of Education.
- Series of Workshops Organized for the Counselors, Teachers and staff Nurses of Navodaya Vidyalaya (NVS) and Kendriya Vidhyalaya Schools (KVS) from different states of India viz, Kerela, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, U.P, Punjab, Haryana, Bihar, on Psychological First Aid: Emerging Paradigm for School Safety, as a part of the Project by Ministry of Education.
- Counsellor Member on the Panel of Supreme Court Mediation Centre.
1.Goyal, Chandra, Rushi(*) & Chaudhaary,“The Effect of Mindfulness Practice on Adolescents”: An Exploratory Study, Indian Journal of Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 2023.
2.Devi U, Sharma P, Shekhawat, Rushi, “Family accommodation in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and its association with insight.
accepted in the Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine”,2023
3.Rushi(*), Sharma D, “Caregiver burden and coping styles in parents of children with autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability”, ‘Indian Journal of School Health and Well-Being, 2023 (ISSN 2349-5464)
4.Sharma S, Rushi, Chavan BS, “Cognitive Deficits in Unaffected Siblings of persons with Schizophrenia” Psychology In India: Research Journal of Indian Institute of Psychology (ISSN-2319796x), July 2014, vol. 2; Number-2 (234-243).
5.Sahay S, Rushi, Beniwal RP, Deshpandey S, Bhatia T, “Assessment of functionality in persons with schizophrenia and its impact on burden and self-efficacy of caregivers”, 2018 Indian Journal of Positive Psychology (IJPP), Paper Code: IJPP/Dec./22. Vol. 9, Issue 4
6.Kaushal T, Gupta N, Rushi, Quality of Life in Patients with Fungal Infection on Nose and Paranasal Sinuses: A Study from North India. Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry, November 2017, IP:]
7.Sharma P, Arun P, Das, Rushi, Study of Temperament and Parenting Styles in Children with Unexplained Physical Symptoms. Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology. 2016, Volume-43.
8.Rushi(*), “Holistic Approach of rehabilitation in patients with Brain Injury”: Case Report; Journal of Psychology in India (ISSN-2319796x). 2014, vol.-2.
9.Rushi(*), Sahu L M, Sing AR, Jahan M, “Nature & Severity of Disability in patients with chronic schizophrenia”, Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry (2003), Vol.19 (1-4), 54-9.
10.Chandra M, Raveendranathan D, Johnson P, Patra S, Rushi, Prasad K, Brar JS, “Managing Depression in Diabetes Mellitus: A Multicentric Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Effectiveness of Fluoxetine and Mindfulness in Primary Care: Protocol for Diabetes Mellitus and Depression (DIAMOND) Study”, Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine, 2020 Dec;42(6 Suppl): S31-S38.
11.Rushi & Pandey P.,“Efficacy of spiritual Bibliotherapy on psychological wellbeing in patients with common mental disorders” Odisha Journal of Psychiatry, 2019.
12.Sharma P, Arun P., Das S., Rushi, Study of Temperament and Parenting Styles in Children with Unexplained physical Symptoms. Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology. 2016, Volume-43.
13.Rushi, Sahu L.M., Singh A.R., Jahan M., “Socio-demographic & clinical correlates of disability among Chronic Schizophrenic Patients”, Journal of Industrial Psychiatry (2004), Vol.13 (2).
14.Akhouri D., Jahan M., Nizamee A., Rushi, “Applicability of Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K. ABC) on normal Children in Indian”, Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology, (2006) Vol. 33, No. 1, 54-59.
15.Mishra D., & Rushi “Social, Emotional and Educational Adjustment of children with Specific Learning Disability and their Parental Attitude” The Learning Curve, ISSN: 2321-7057, Volume X 2021, pages 18-24, 2021.
16.Nair P., & Rushi, “Role of Perceived Spousal support in recovery Among Individuals Seeking Treatment for Alcohol Dependence Disorders”, The International Journal of Indian Psychology, vol-6, Issue 4. Oct-Dec, 2018. (ISSN: 2348-5396)
17.Rushi, “Indian Adaptation of Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children” Book published by LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (LLAP), Germany in 2012
18.Grover J. Puddar S, Chakraborthy S., Rushi(*), “Feasibility of Computerized Cognitive Retraining (ReadOn.ai) in enhancing cognitive abilities among children diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder” Indian Journal of Industrial Psychiatry, 2024.
Recent Scholarships/Awards/Achievements
- Life Empowerment Award for Holistic Education Leadership, given by Expression India and Ministry of Education, New Delhi.
- AICRA Award received in Research Fundamentals and Implementation Science via Psychiatric Research Infrastructure for Intervention and implementation in India (PRIIIA), University of Pittsburgh, USA.
- Woman Mental Health Award, received on the eve of International Women’s Day by EBS, Swalambika Samman, at Constitution Club of India, Rafi Marg, New Delhi
- “Child and Adolescent Mental Health Award” received by Indian Association of Clinical Psychology.
- Dr. Tej Bahadur Singh Award for presenting the Scientific Paper
- Post Graduate Merit Scholarship Awarded by the A.M.U., Aligarh.
- Received various Best Paper Awards for presenting scientific research papers at Conferences and Seminars.
Research & clinical interests
1.Child and Adolescent Mental Health
2. Neurodevelopmental disorders
3.School Mental Health
4.Psychological Assessment and Interventions for Children
5.Mental Health and well-being of Caregivers of persons with Psychiatric disorders
6.Disability and Rehabilitation