ಫ್ಯಾಕಲ್ಟಿ ಸದಸ್ಯರು / ಸಿಬ್ಬಂದಿ

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  • ಫ್ಯಾಕಲ್ಟಿ ಸದಸ್ಯರು / ಸಿಬ್ಬಂದಿ
ಡಾ.ಸಂಗೀತಾ ಮಹೇಶ್

ಡಾ.ಸಂಗೀತಾ ಮಹೇಶ್

ಅಸೋಸಿಯೇಟ್ ಪ್ರೊಫೆಸರ್, ಚಿಕಿತ್ಸಾ ಸೇವಾ ವಿಭಾಗ

ಇಮೇಲ್: sangeethamahesh@aiishmysore.in

ಫೋನ್ ಕಛೇರಿ: 2502503

Dr. Sangeetha Mahesh is currently working as Associate Professor and Head, Dept. of Clinical Services, AIISH. She has been actively serving the institute from past 22 years focusing on Clinical Training, Teaching, Clinical Services, and Public Education. She has a teaching experience of over 14 years and expertise in the area of Fluency disorders, Child Language Disorders and Communication Sciences- Speech-Language Pathology. She is involved in extensive research including 11 intramural projects, 3 extramural projects, 28 National publications and paper presentations in National and International platforms to her credits. She has also developed several public education materials and student clinical training materials related to fluency disorders. She also has been an active member of several professional organizations.

Papers published National/International Journals:

  • Sangeetha M, & Reny, R, (2020). Effect of Syllable Complexity on Speech Disfluencies of Kannada Speaking Adults Who Stutter. JAIISH,.2020; Volume 39,23-30.
  • Sangeetha M, Amulya S, Sabeena T, & Geetha M.P. (2019). Auditory Monitoring in Adults with Stuttering. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Bioinformatics. 2019; 6(2): 16-25p.
  • Sangeetha, M., Geetha, M.P., Amulya, S., & H. M. Nivanka, R. (2018). Phonological Encoding in Children who Stutter. Global Journal of Otolaryngology, ISSN 2474-7556, 17 (5), DOI: 10.19080/GJO 2018.17.555972.
  • Akshay, M. M., & Sangeetha, M. (2018). Automatic Annotation of Reading using Speech Recognition: A Pilot Study. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Bioinformatics, ISSN: 2393-8722, 5 (2). www.stmjournals.com.
  • Akshay, M. M., & Sangeetha, M. (2018). Automatic Analysis of Stuttered Speech using Dynamic Time Warping. Abstract published in Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Communications, Computer Technologies & Optimization Techniques (ICEECCOT), Geetha Shishu Shikshana sangha (Regd.), Mysuru, 14-15 December, 2018.
  • Geetha, Y. V., Sangeetha, M., Sundararaju, H., Sahana, V., Akshatha,V. & Liji, A. (2017). Effects of Altered Auditory and Oro-sensory Feedback on Speech Naturalness in Persons With and Without Stuttering, JAIISH, 36.
  • Geetha, Y. V., Sangeetha, M., Sundararaju, H., Sahana, V., & Akshatha,V. (2017). The Cerebral Dominance and Laterality Preference in Adults with Persistent Developmental Stuttering.  JAIISH, 36.
  • Sangeetha, M., Niharika M., & Sreedevi, N., (2016). Diadochokinetic Rate in Adults with Stuttering (abstract),  Proceedings of NSA conference held in Gurgaon, 17-19 , Nov. 2016.
  •  Sangeetha, M & Geetha, Y.V. (2014). Phonetic environment of disfluencies in children with stuttering,  International Journal on Disability and Human
    Development, Volume 14, Issue 1, Pages 67–73, ISSN (Online) 2191-0367,
    ISSN (Print) 2191-1231, DOI: 10.1515/ijdhd-2013-0042.
  •  Geetha, Y.V., Sangeetha, M., Sundararaju, H., Sahana, V., & Irfana, M. (2014). Effect of oral anesthetization on the speech characteristics of persons with and without stuttering, JAIISH, 33, 33-38.
  •  Sangeetha, M., & Geetha, Y.V. (2013).  Phonetic context in disfluencies of children with stuttering,  Language in India, 13, 545- 565.
  • Geetha, M.P., Shwetha, C., Sangeetha, M., & Sheela, S. (2012). Pre-post comparison of stuttering awareness program among prospective teachers: A preliminary study, JAIISH, 31, 68-75.
  • Sangeetha, M., & Geetha, Y.V. (2010). Prevalence of Seizure disorders in children with Communication disorders: A preliminary study, JAIISH, 29, 63-72.
  • Sheetal, R., & Sangeetha, M (2010). Written Language Skills in children with Dyslexia, Student research at AIISH (Articles based on dissertation done at AIISH), 8.
  • Sangeetha, M., Hema, N., & Pushpavathi, M. (2009). Nasalence value for English passage in Kannada speakers: A preliminary study (Abstract in Kannada & English), Proceedings of 5th Kannada Vignana Sammelana, 15-17th Sept, 78-80.
  • Sangeetha, M. (2009). Linguistic Profiling of Dysfluencies in a child with Stuttering: A Preliminary study (Abstract), Proceedings of 2nd National Women’s Science Congress, 94.
  •  Hema, N., Sangeetha, M., & Pushpavathi, M. (2009). Normative data for Multidimensional Voice Program (MDVP) for adults- A computerized Voice Analysis System, JAIISH, 28, 1-7.
  • Leah, P., Pushpavathi, M., & Sangeetha, M. (2009). Influence of native language on Nasalance measurement, JAIISH, 28, 14-18.
  • Sangeetha, M. (2008). Normal development of Speech, Language, and Communication, Proceedings of the RCI-CRE program Workshop on Speech Intelligibility, 15-19 Dec 2008, AIISH, Mysore.
  • Sangeetha, M., & Pushpavathi, M. (2008). Nasalence value for Zoo passage:  A preliminary report, Proceedings of FRSM, Feb 20-21, 115- 119.
  • Sangeetha, M., & Pushpavathi, M. (2008). Nasalence value for Rainbow passage: Normative data in nonnative English speakers, JAIISH, 27, 22-28.
  • Sangeetha, M., & Savithri, S.R. (2003). Fundamental Frequency Transformation in the Speech of the Hearing Impaired (Abstract), Research at AIISH- Dissertation abstracts, 4, 154-155.
  • Nataraja, N.P., Sreedevi, N., & Sangeetha. (1998). Temporal Analysis of the Speech of the Hearing Impaired in Different Age Groups, JASI, 26, 485- 495.
  • Nataraja, N.P., Savithri, S.R., Sreedevi, N., & Sangeetha. (1998). Analysis of the speech of the hearing impaired.  Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Speech & Document processing, B 46-53.
  • Nataraja, N.P., Sreedevi, N., & Sangeetha. (1998). Electroglottography in the Diagnosis of Voice Disorders. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Speech & Document Processing, B 54-57.

Papers presented at  National/International conference/seminars:

  • Sangeetha M, Jyothi R, & Anu P. (2021). Effect of word class in disfluencies of monolingual and bilingual school-age children who stutter, III International Conference of Speech and Hearing, Association of India West Bengal branch (SHAIWBCON), , Kolkata, 30-31 January 2021.
  • Sangeetha, M., Amulya, S., & Sabeena, T. (2019).  Auditory tone monitoring in adults who stutter, FRSM  conference, Kanpur, U.P. from 5-8 July 2019. 
  • Geetha M.P. & Sangeetha  M. (2018). Phonological encoding abilities of children with stuttering. 50th Annual convention of the Indian Speech and Hearing Association, 5th to 7th January 2018, ISHA, Mysore.
  • Akshay, M. M., & Sangeetha, M. (2018). Automatic Analysis of Stuttered Speech using Dynamic Time Warping. Paper presented at International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Communications, Computer Technologies & Optimization Techniques (ICEECCOT), Geetha Shishu Shikshana sangha (Regd.), Mysuru, 14-15 December, 2018.
  • Sangeetha, M., Niharika M., & Sreedevi, N (2016). Diadochokinetic Rate in Adults with Stuttering. Paper presented at NSA held at Gurgaon, 17-19, Nov 2016.
  • Geetha, Y.V., Sangeetha, M., Sundaraju, R., Sahana, V., & Akshata, V. (2015). Effects of altered auditory and sensory feedback on stuttering.  Paper presented at the 47th National Convention of the Indian Speech and Hearing Association, Manipal.
  • Akshay, M., Sangeetha, M., & Fathima, M. (2015). Automatic annotation of read speech using speech recognition: A pilot study, Proceedings of National Symposium on Acoustics- Book of Abstracts (NSA 7 to 9th October 2015, Goa), 79, CSIR-NIO: Belgaum, India.
  • Akshay, M., Rakshith, S., & Sangeetha, M. (2014).  Application of automatic speech recognition in communication sciences and disorders. Paper presented at National Symposium on Acoustics, Mysore.
  • Geetha, Y.V., Sangeetha, M., Aishwarya, A., & Priyanka, B. (2011). Recovery in children with stuttering, paper presented at 9th Oxford dysfluency conference, 1-4th Sept, 2011, Oxford, UK.
  • Sangeetha, M., Geetha, Y.V., & Bhuvaneshwari, N. (2011). Evidence based practice using response cost in children with stuttering, paper presented at 9th Oxford dysfluency conference, 1-4th Sept, 2011, Oxford, UK.
  • Sangeetha, M., & Basanthi, D. (2002). Labial co-articulation in Assamese language- paper presented at the workshop on coarticulation organized by Dept. of Speech sciences on 23rd and 24th January, 2002.
  • Sangeetha, M., & Ananthi, T. (2003). Typical issues with learning disability cases- paper presented at the workshop organized by Dept. of Speech sciences on 3rd – 7th March, 2003.
  • Sangeetha, M., & Jayashree, S. (2008). Phonological Processing and Rapid Naming in Children with Dyslexia: Evidence from Double Deficit Hypothesis, paper presented in ICCOSAL 2008 conference held at Aligarh university.
  • Yashasvini, L., Shilpashree, S., & Sangeetha, M. (2010). Electrogloto graphic analysis in individuals with chronic laryngitis, poster presentation at 42nd National conference of Indian Speech and Hearing Association, Bangalore, 22-24th  January, 2010.

  • 2001 – Present: Associate Professor & Head Dept. of Clinical Services


Year of appointment

Associate Professor,

Dept. of Clinical Services

April 2021 to till date

Clinical Reader,

Dept. of Clinical Services

July 2016 to March 2021

Clinical Lecturer,
Dept. of Clinical Services

12th May 2008 to June 2016

Speech-language pathologist

Dept. of Clinical Services

6th September 2007 to 11th May 2008

Research Officer

Dept. of Clinical Services

13th April 2007 to 19th August 2007

Clinical Assistant

Dept. of Clinical Services

 13th December 2001 to 18th August 2007

Research Assistant

Dept. of Clinical Services

1st July 1997 to 16th August 1999


Clinical Assistant(leave vacancy)

Dept. of Clinical Services

1st December 1995 to 12th June 1996,

8th July  1996 to 30th  June 1997

  • ನಿರರ್ಗಳ ಅಸ್ವಸ್ಥತೆಗಳು
  • ಮಕ್ಕಳ ಭಾಷಾ ಅಸ್ವಸ್ಥತೆಗಳು
  • ಸ್ಪೀಚ್ ಡಯಾಗ್ನೋಸ್ಟಿಕ್ಸ್ & ಥೆರಪ್ಯೂಟಿಕ್ಸ್
  • ಸಮುದಾಯ ಆಧಾರಿತ ಪುನರ್ವಸತಿ ಮತ್ತು ಸಂವಹನ ವಿಜ್ಞಾನ: ಮಾತು ಮತ್ತು ಭಾಷೆ