ಶ್ರವಣಶಾಸ್ತ್ರದ ಸಹ ಪ್ರಾಧ್ಯಾಪಕ, ಶ್ರವಣವಿಜ್ಞಾನ ವಿಭಾಗ
ಇಮೇಲ್: deviaiish@aiishmysore.in
ಫೋನ್ ಕಛೇರಿ: 0821-2502359/2190
Dr. Devi. N is working as an Associate Professor in Audiology at All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Mysore. She has completed her Bachelors, Masters and Ph.D in Audiology from All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Mysore. She has experience in teaching and guidingDiploma, undergraduate, post-graduate and Ph. D scholars. Have completed research projects, and publications in national and international journals, scientific papers in national and international conferences and won 'Best paper awards' to credits. She also has served as a reviewer for several reputed International journals. The specific area of interest in research includes Music perception, Rehabilitative Audiology, and Environmental Audiology. She has also completed a specialized short-term Refresher Course for Rehabilitation Professionals of Speech and Hearing: Auditory Verbal Therapy (AVT).
- Publication in National and International journals
- Geetha C, Devi.N, & Ravirose, U. (2022). Development, standardization, and validation of bisyllabic phonemically balanced tamil word test in quiet and noise. Journal of Hearing Science, 11(4), 42-47. DOI: 10.17430/JHS.2021.11.4.5
- Devi. N., Sproorthi. T., Saranya M., Fakruddin. D. B., Nagaraju. B. (2022). Bacterial meningitis post COVID-19 infection causing hearing loss: Sars-Cov2 co-infection as a new possible etiology. ISAM Journal- the Indian Journal of Audiology 2022 – 8(2), 74-78.
- Shivaswamy, J., Jose, D. M., Devi, N., & Jain, C. (2021). Parent’s satisfaction on tele-listening training for children with hearing impairment during COVID-19. Auditory and Vestibular Research, 30(4), 264-272.
- Nisha. K. V., Devi N., Nishant N.N., Jim S. Winston., and Sam P. A. (2021). Musical Aptitude as a Variable in the Assessment of Working Memory and Selective Attention Task. Journal of Audiology and Otology; 25(4):178-188. pISSN 2384-1621 / eISSN 2384-1710 https://doi.org/10.7874/jao.2021.00171
- Devi. N., Fakruddin. D.B., Nagaraju. B., Belpu. N., Raj. B.L., Ravi. J.A. (2021). Comparison of responses of parents of hearing and hearing impaired children for the questionnaire 'awareness of aspects related to hearing'. International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics;8:998-1005
- Kumar DS, Mahendra S, Devi N, Jain C. (2021) Medial olivocochlear functioning and speech perception in noise in individuals with polycystic ovary syndrome. Journal of Indian Speech, Language Hearing Association;35:39-43.
- Sannamani KG, Chakraborty M, Devi N, Prabhu P. (2021) Assessment of Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions Input-Output Function in Individuals with and without Musical Abilities. Audiology and Vestibular Research. 31(1):23-9.
- Hema N., Devi N, & Jesnu Jose Benoy (2021). Investigating distinct semantic processing ability in individuals with dementia using the n-back task, Aphasiology, DOI:10.1080/02687038.2020.1868394
- Devi. N, Fakruddin D.B., Nagaraju. B., Belpu. N, Raj B.L., Ravi J.A. (2021). Comparison of responses of parents of hearing and hearing impaired children for the questionnaire 'awareness of aspects related to hearing'. International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics;8:998-1005
- Devi N Sridhar S and Vinayagar PT, (2021). “Comparison of Envelope Perception between Syllabic and Dual Compression Hearing Aid Processed Kannada Chimeric Sentences". Acta Scientific Otolaryngology 3.2 (2021): 83-89. DOI: 10.31080/ASOL.2020.03.0173
- Vikas D, Devi. N, Darga B. F and Basaiahgari N (2021), Hearing aid programming satisfaction measure during Covid 19, ISAm Journal 2021, Hearing future algorithms, publishers, Institute of Health Sciences, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, ISSN No – 2230-8601. Pg 24-29.
- Udhayakumar R. and Devi N. (2020). Comparison of Temporal and Envelope Cues in Hearing Aids: Use of Malayalam Language Chimeric Sentences and Two Compression Strategies. Journal of Hearing Science;10(1):33–40.
- Kumaraswamy PT, Shambulingegowda A, Neelanmegarajan D (2020). Effect of canal widening (type I tympanoplasty) on hearing sensitivity. International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery;6:2086-93.
- Akshay Mendhakar, Sneha K C, Devi N, Renuka C. (2020). Hearing Aids of the Future: A Simulation Study. International Journal of Biomedical Engineering.6(1): 18–23.
- Devi, N., Jayaram, M. T., & Udhayakumar, R. (2019). Questionnaire on the “Knowledge and use of ear molds” by the hearing aid users. Annals of Indian Academy of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, 3(1), 26.
- Jain, C., Devi, N., Parthasarathy, S., & Kavitha, S. (2019). Effect of musical training on psychophysical abilities and working memory in children. Journal of Indian Speech Language & Hearing Association, 33(2), 71.
- Merin. M & Devi. N (2019). Effect of syllabic and dual compression on hearing aid processed music. Student research at AIISH, Mysuru (Articles based on Dissertations done at AIISH Volume XII: 2013-14).
- Ramiz. M. M., & Devi. N (2019). Effect of microphone directionality on horizontal localization and speech identification in noise in children with binaural hearing aids. Student research at AIISH, Mysuru (Articles based on Dissertations done at AIISH Volume XII: 2013-14).
- Devi. N & Kumar. U. A (2018). Identification of NOTE – 50 with the stimuli variation in individuals with and without musical training. Journal of Indian Speech Language Hearing Association. 32: 34 – 38.
- Devi. N, Arpitha. V, & Khyathi J. G (2018). Development of questionnaire for auditory localization. The Journal of International Advanced Otology, 14 (2): 197 – 201.
- Devi N, Chatni S, Ramadevi K J, Fakruddin DB (2017). Comparison of performance across transcranial contralateral routing of signal, trimmer digital and digital bone-anchored hearing implant (with headbands) in children with unilateral hearing loss. Indian Journal of Otology 2017; 23:98-103.
- Devi N, Amritha G, Tanniru K (2017). Effects of nonlinear amplification on differential sensitivity measures in individuals with cochlear hearing impairment. Indian Journal of Otology 2017, 23:162-7.
- Renuka C, Ajish K. Abraham, Devi N., Swapna N. (2017). Robotic communicative tool in speech and hearing: A review. International Journal of Innovative Research in Management, Engineering and Technology (IJIRMET), Volume 2, Issue 5, May 2017.
- Prakash. T. K, Abhilash. S, Devi. N & Jasjyot Kaur (2017). Audiological evidences on efficacy of mucolite therapy in patients with serous otitis media. International Journal of Advanced Research, 5(12), 842-848.
- Devi N., Kumar A.U., Arpitha.V.,& Khyathi. G. (2017). Development and Standardization of ‘Questionnaire on Music Perception Ability’. Journal of Sangeet Galaxy, Vol. 6, Issue. 1, (January 2017) pp. 3- 13.
- Devi, N., Kumar, A. U. & Mohamed, H. (2015). Short-term perceptual training of music and its effect on neural encoding. International Journal of Health Science and Research, 5(5):347-356.
- Devi, N. & Kumar, A. U. (2015). Brainstem encoding of Indian Carnatic music in individuals with and without musical aptitude: a frequency following response study. International Journal of Health Science and Research, 5(8): 487-495.
- Devi N, Chatni, S, Ramadevi, K.J.S, Fakruddin, D.B. (2015). Comparison of performance of transcranial contralateral routing of signal pre-implanted trimmer digital and digital bone anchored hearing aid in adults with unilateral hearing loss. Audiology Research, 5:133, 50-56.
- Devi N, Swathi C.S. (2016). Effect of musical training on masking paradigm. Indian Journal of Otology, 22(2), 85-91.
- Renuka C, Ajish. K. Abraham, Devi. N, Swapna. N. (2017). Robotic communication tool in Speech and Hearing. A review. International Joiurnal of innovative research management, Enginering and Technology, Vol 2(5).
- Devi. N, Amritha, Kishore. T (2017)."Effects of nonlinear amplification on differential sensitivity measures in individuals with cochlear hearing impairment"". Indian Journal of Otology, 23:162-167.
- Devi, N., & Yathiraj, A. (2008). Auditory Learning Manual for Infants & Toddlers, (Articles based on dissertation done at AIISH) Part-A: pp. 47-56.
- Devi, N. (2008). Classroom for children with hearing Impairment: Methods for improving Listening Environment Speech Intelligibility. Proceedings of the RCI-CRE workshop on ‘Speech Intelligibility’, pp. 64 – 80.
- Devi, N., Sujitha, N., & Yathiraj, A. (2008). Auditory Memory and Sequencing in children aged 6 – 1 years, Journal of AIISH, vol. 27, pp. 95 – 100.
- Arunraj, K. & N. Devi. (2009). Dichotic word test (DWT) in India English speaking children. Student Research at AIISH, Mysore (Articles based on dissertation done at AIISH), Volume VII: 2008-09, p.1-16.
- Gurdeep Singh & N. Devi. (2009). Dichotic word (CVCV) test in native Kannada speaking children. (Articles based on dissertation done at AIISH), Vol VII: 2008-09, p.32-51.
- Kamala Sarathy & Devi, N. (2010). Effect of syllabic and dual compression on speech identification scores across different degrees of hearing loss. Student research at AIISH, Mysore (Article based on dissertation done at AIISH) Volume VIII, 2009-10, pp.91-98.
- Kumari Apeksha & Devi, N. (2010). Effect of sensorineural hearing loss and digital hearing aids on speech evoked auditory late latency response. Student research at AIISH, Mysore (Article based on dissertation done at AIISH) Volume VIII, 2009-10, pp.99-107.
- Kumari Apeksha & Devi N (2010). Effect of Sensorineural hearing loss on Speech Evoked Aided Auditory Late Latency Response. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Vol.29 (2), 2009-10, pp.241-247.
- Nayana, S., & Devi, N. (2010). Development of questionnaire for evaluating hearing aid benefit in children. Student research at AIISH, Mysore (Article based on dissertation done at AIISH) Volume VIII, 2009-10, pp.125-137.
- Reesha Hussain & Devi, N. (2010). Music perception in individuals with audio and audio-visual impairment. Student research at AIISH, Mysore (Article based on dissertation done at AIISH) Volume VIII, 2009-10, pp.191-198.
- Sreela, P.K., & Devi, N. (2010). Effect of reverberation on speech identification using digital hearing aids. Student research at AIISH, Mysore (Article based on dissertation done at AIISH) Volume VIII, 2009-10, pp.221-230.
- Akash J., & Devi, N. (2011). Acoustic change complex in children (7-15 years of age). Student research at AIISH, Mysore (Article based on dissertation done at AIISH) Volume IX, pp.7-17.
- Navdeep K., & Devi, N. (2011). Hearing aid benefit questionnaire for adults. Student research at AIISH, Mysore (Article based on dissertation done at AIISH) Volume IX, pp.145-156.
- Priyanjali., & Devi, N. (2011). Vocal emotion recognition by normal-hearing listeners, individuals with hearing impairment and by auditory neuropathy/auditory dyssynchrony. Student research at AIISH, Mysore (Article based on dissertation done at AIISH) Volume IX, pp.240-249.
- Laxme, J., & Devi, N. (2012). Effect of reverberation on acceptable noise level in individuals with normal hearing and hearing impairment. Student research at AIISH, Mysore (Articles based on dissertation done at AIISH), Vol. X, 2011 – 12, Part A, pp 163 – 171.
- Vinsha, K., & Devi, N. (2012). Comparison of performance with bilateral bone anchored hearing aids with test band and bilateral air conduction hearing aids in patients with conductive/ mixed hearing loss . Student research at AIISH, Mysore (Articles based on dissertation done at AIISH), Vol. X, 2011 – 12, Part A, pp 324 – 335.
- Akash, J & Devi, N. (2013). Acoustic Change Complex in Children: 7-15 years of Age. Student research at AIISH, Mysore (Articles based on dissertation done at AIISH), Vol. 9, 2010 – 11, Part A, pp 7 - 17.
- Navdeep K & Devi, N. (2013). Development of hearing aid benefits questionnaire for adults. Student research at AIISH, Mysore (Articles based on dissertation done at AIISH), Vol. 9, 2010 – 11, Part A, pp 145 - 156.
- Priyanjali H & Devi, N. (2013). Dichotic vocal emotion recognition in group of individuals with normal hearing, sensorineural hearing loss and auditory dys-synchrony’. Student research at AIISH, Mysore (Articles based on dissertation done at AIISH), Vol. 9, 2010 – 11, Part A, pp 240 - 249.
Papers presented in conferences:
- Devi N, Susi Priya.A, Kamalakannan K, Udhayakumar Re, Bhuvaneswari K, Sundaresan R (2022). Presented a poster on ‘Comparison of MOCB functioning and temporal abilities between individuals with and without musical abilities’ in IALP – Audiology conference 2022 held between 25.08.2022 to 27.08.2022.
- Abdul B., Pooja SV,Jyothi S, Devi. N (2022). Presented a poster on ‘Survey on clinician's satisfaction with tele-listening training for children with hearing impairment’ in IALP – Audiology conference 2022 held between 25.08.2022 to 27.08.2022.
- Banumathi., Rashmi E, Vivek A, Devi N, Chandni Jain (2022). Presented a poster on ‘Speech perception and quality comparison between conventional ear moulds and stereolithography ear moulds’ in IALP – Audiology conference 2022 held between 25.08.2022 to 27.08.2022.
- Udhayakumar. R., Sridhar S., and Devi. N (2022) presented a scientific paper on Comparison of subjective performance and acoustic evaluation of hearing aid processed chimeric sentences, in 3rd Virtual Conference on Computational Audiology (VCCA) hosted by the Cluster of Excellence Hearing4all, Oldenburg and Hanover between 30th June 2022 and 1st July 2022.
- Sridhar. S., Syeda Aisha., Nisha K.V., Devi. N (2022) presented a scientific paper on Spatial acuity assessment techniques in real and closed field: A Comparative study, in 3rd Virtual Conference on Computational Audiology (VCCA) hosted by the Cluster of Excellence Hearing4all, Oldenburg and Hanover between 30th June 2022 and 1st July 2022.
- Shubhaganga D. S., Nisha K.V., Devi. N., Vikram A., Rashmi E (2022) presented a scientific paper on Objective Speech Intelligibility and Quality Measures as Tools for Optimizing Hearing Aid Performance in Sloping Hearing Loss, in 3rd Virtual Conference on Computational Audiology (VCCA) hosted by the Cluster of Excellence Hearing4all, Oldenburg and Hanover between 30th June 2022 and 1st July 2022.
- Neelamegarajan Devi, Sampath Sridhar, Eraiah Rashmi, Karupaiah Kamalakannan and Ravirose Udhayakumar (2022) presented a paper on 'Analysis of temporal sensitivity for identification of ragas using Indian music chimeras' in International Symposium on Frontiers of Research in Speech and Music (FRSM-2021) on 12.2.2022
- Neelamegarajan Devi , Thammaiah Spoorthi, Mahendra Saranya, Darga Baba Fakruddin, Basaiahgari Nagaraju Presented a paper on Meningitis With Hearing Loss And Post Covid-19 : A Case Study at the National CRE-Webinar on “Medical Audiology: Perspectives from Partnerships” from 13th to 17 th of December,2021 organized by the Department of Hearing Studies in association with IQAC.
- Jyothi S, Devi N, Chandni J, Divya J (2021). Parent’s satisfaction on tele- listening training for children with hearing impairment during COVID-19. Presented virtually at 3rd SHAIWBCON held on 30.1.2021 and 31.1.2021.
- Kalaiselvi. V.T., Devi. N., Karthik. V. S., Vikram. A., & Baba. F (2020). ‘Evaluation of the perception of Indian Music in individuals with hearing impairment’ scientific paper presented in International conference cum workshop, ICRSM – 2020 at Jadavpur University, Kolkata held on 16th – 18th January 2020.
- Basaiahgari N., Devi N., & Darga Baba Fakruddin (2020). Parent’s awareness and attitude on early identification and early rehabilitation of hearing loss - A questionnaire based report, scientific paper presented in 52nd ISHACON at Chandigarh held in between 14.02. 2020 to 16.02.2020.
- Jesnu.J.B, Hema.C., & Devi. N (2020). Investigating distinct semantic processing ability in individuals with dementia using n-back task, scientific paper presented in 52nd ISHACON at Chandigarh held in between 14.02. 2020 to 16.02.2020.
- Sneha. P. & Devi. N (2019). Neural processing of speech and music stimuli in aided and unaided condition, scientific paper presented in 2nd World congress on Neurological and Psychiatric disorders held in KualaLumpur, Malaysia held between 21.11.19 to 22.11.19.
- Devi., & Sneha. P (2019). Frequency following response for complex stimuli with and without hearing aids, scientific paper presented in 12th Annual Conference of Indian Speech and Hearing Association – Kerala state branch held between 26.10.19 to 27.10.19 at Kasaragod.
- Sneha. P., Devi. N., Chandni. J., & Joshi, K. (2019). Hearing Aid Benefit Questionnaire in School Going Children with Hearing Impairment In Kerala, scientific paper presented in 52nd ISHACON at Chandigarh held in between 14.02. 2020 to 16.02.2020.
- Renuka. C, Devi. N, Akshay. M, Ajish K. Abraham (2018). Need for robotic resources in Speech and Hearing – An Indian study, 39th IRF International conferences on 28th January 2018, Bengaluru.
- Jayaram M.T., Devi N., Udhayakumar R. (2018). Questionnaire on the ‘knowledge and use of ear moulds’ by the hearing aid users questionnaire on the ‘knowledte and use of ear moulds’ by the hearing aid users. Presented at 50th ISHACON 2018 held at Mysuru between 5-7 January 2018.
- Udhayakumar R and Devi. N (2018) presented an oral paper titled ‘ Comparison between Syllabic Compression Processed and Unprocessed Malayalam Chimeric Sentences’ in the Workshop on Speech Processing for Voice, Speech and Hearing Disorders (WSPD – 2018) held at All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Mysuru from 8th -9th September 2018.
- Monika Tetwal, Chandni Jain, Devi N. (2018). presented an poster paper titled ‘Temporal processing and working memory in children and adults with stuttering’ in the Workshop on Speech Processing for Voice, Speech and Hearing Disorders (WSPD – 2018) held at All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Mysuru from 8th -9th September 2018.
- Devi. N and Sneha. P (2018) presented an poster paper titled ‘Neural Processing Of Speech And Music With And Without Hearing Aids’ in the Workshop on Speech Processing for Voice, Speech and Hearing Disorders (WSPD – 2018) held at All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Mysuru from 8th -9th September 2018.
- Devi. N and Sneha. P (2018) presented a scientific oral paper titled ‘Frequency Following Response for Music with and without Hearing aids’ in the 11th Annual conference of Indian Speech, Language and Hearing Association – Kerala state Branch held on 15th and 16th September 2018 at Chinnakkanal, Munnar.
- Akshay Mohan Mendhakar, Sneha K C, Devi N, Renuka C.(2018) presented an oral paper titled Adaptive machine learning -An innovative hearing aid technology in the Third IEEE International Conference on Electronical, Electonics, Communication , Computer Technologies and Optimization Techniques (ICEECCOT – 2018) in assossiation with the IEEE Bangalore section organized by GSSS Institute of Engineering & Technology for Women, Mysuru on 14th – 15th December 2018 and won ‘Best paper Award’.
- Sridhar. S & Devi. N (2019) presented an oral presentation ‘comparison of envelope perception between syllabic and dual compression systems using hearing aid processed Kannada chimeric sentences’ at the 51st Annual Convention of the Indian Speech and Hearing Association held at NIMHANS, Bengaluru from 8th to 10th February 2019.
- Kavitha G S, Madhumanti Chakraborty, Devi N & Prashanth Prabhu P (2019) presented a poster presentation on ‘Distortion product otoacoustic emissions input output function in individuals with and without musical abilities’ at the 51st Annual Convention of the Indian Speech and Hearing Association held at NIMHANS, Bengaluru from 8th to 10th February 2019.
- Durga S Kumar, Saranya M, Devi N & Chandni Jain (2019) presented a poster presentation on ‘Medial olivocochlear functioning and speech perception in noise in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)’ at the 51st Annual Convention of the Indian Speech and Hearing Association held at NIMHANS, Bengaluru from 8th to 10th February 2019.
- Udhayakumar R & Devi N (2019) presented an oral presentation ‘comparison of envelope perception between syllabic and dual compression systems using hearing aid processed Malayalam chimeric sentences’ at the 51st Annual Convention of the Indian Speech and Hearing Association held at NIMHANS, Bengaluru from 8th to 10th February 2019.
- Devi N. (2018). Auditory evoked potential correlates of speech and music in individuals with and without musical abilities. Presented at 50th ISHACON 2018 held at Mysuru between 5-7 January 2018.
- Kavitha G S , Sindhu P, Chandni Jain, Devi N. (2017). Effect of Musical Training on Psychophysical abilities and Working Memory in Children. Presented during the 3rd International conference on Audiological Sciences organized by the Department of Audiology & Speech Language Pathology, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal University, Mangaluru from 21st- 23rd September, 2017.
- Renuka C, Ajish K. Abraham, Devi N., Swapna N. (2017). Robotic communicative tool in speech and hearing: A review. International conference on Innovative research in engineering and technology on 11th June 2017, Mysuru.
- Anuroopa. K. S, Ankitha. S, Namitha. V, Devi and Sreeraj. K – Q10 and tip frequencies in individuals with normal hearing sensitivity and sensorineural hearing loss. Paper presented at 49th ISHACON held at Kolkata from 6th to 8th January 2017.
- Arpitha V., Khyathi. G. & Devi N. – Development and standardization of ‘questionnaire for auditory localization’ Paper presented at 49th ISHACON held at Kolkata from 6th to 8th January 2017.
- Bhoomika. C.J, Devi. N & Hema. C – Pitch matching accuracy and auditory perception in trained and untrained singers. Paper presented at 49th ISHACON held at Kolkata from 6th to 8th January 2017.
- Srikar V., Devi N., Tejaswini S., Pavana M., Rajesh Kumar R.(2017). Smartphone based applications for rehabilitation of Tinnitus. Presented at National conference on Auditory evoked potentials, HCC FlaSH Series I, Department of Audiology & Speech Language Pathology, Holy Cross College, Tiruchirappalli.
- Poster presentation of the paper titled ‘Development and standardization of ‘Questionnaire on Music perception ability’ at 48th ISHACON, Mumbai on 5th to 7th February 2016 and Won best paper award.
- Presented Scientific paper titled “Dichotic digit test in Kannada: Effect of non-native language”, paper was presented in the ISHA conference, held at Mangalore from 1st to 3rd February 2008.
- Presented Scientific paper titled “Auditory Dysynchrony – An insight to the neural processes underlying speech perception” in 39th ISHA conference 2007 held at Calicut.
- Presented Scientific paper titled “Auditory Memory and Sequencing in English for Children: 6-12 Years” (Unpublished), at ‘2nd Kerala state ISHA conference-2006, at Thrissur, Kerala’ and has been awarded the ‘Best paper in Audiology’.
- Presented a paper titled ‘Effect of mode of stimulation on vocal emotion perception in individuals with auditory dys-synchrony’ in the 44th ISHA conference, held at Hyderabad from 20-22.01.12.
- Poster presented titled ‘Comparison of reverberant speech identification scores across different bands in hearing aids’ in the ICAS Conference on 6th September 2013, Mangalore (India).
- Oral presentation of the paper titled ‘Effect of short-term musical training on auditory cortical responses’ at National Symposium on Acoustics, AIISH Mysore on 12th -14th Nov, 2014 and Won best paper award.
- Oral presentation of the paper titled ‘Effect of reverberation on acceptable noise level under different background conditions’ at National Symposium on Acoustics, AIISH Mysore on 12th -14th Nov, 2014.
- Oral presentation of the paper titled ‘Comparison between linear and non-linear hearing aid processed speech and music across compression’ at International seminar on sciences of music, Mahatma Gandhi University Campus, Kottayam, Kerala on 25th -27th September, 2015.
- Oral presentation of the paper titled ‘Utilization of Smartphone based applications for rehabilitation of tinnitus’ at ISAM, Bhubaneswar held on 12th -14th Nov, 2015.
Books / chapters published:
- Resource person for E-flipbook (Self-learning course material) for the National Level Collaborative Pilot project – with TCPD, AIISH. Capacity building in Kendriya Vidyalaya Teachers for identification and Management of Children with Learning Disabilities in Classroom – Pilot study Project.
- The topics were:
- Screening for Central Auditory processing disorder. Pg 49 - 56
- Classroom Management of Auditory Processing Skills (C )APD Pg 57 - 68
- The topics were:
- Devi. N (2020). ‘Earmolds and Acoustic modification’ in ISHA Monograph on ‘Clinical Aspects in Hearing Aids’ page 38 – 51.
Proceedings of the workshops/Seminars
- Devi N (2015). A Deaf friendly school – How one can make it. Souvenir, National Seminar Dhwani: Primary Education for the Deaf, Bengaluru, The Association of people with Disability, Pg. 27-28.
- Devi, N., Kumar, A. U. & Mohamed, H (2014). Effect of short-term musical training on auditory cortical responses. Proceedings of National Symposium on Acoustics, 407 – 412.
- Devi, N., & Lakshmi, J (2014). ‘Effect of reverberation on acceptable noise level under different background conditions’ Proceedings of National Symposium on Acoustics,
- Devi, N. (2008). Classroom for children with hearing Impairment: Methods for improving Listening Environment Speech Intelligibility. Proceedings of the RCI-CRE workshop on ‘Speech Intelligibility’, pp. 64 – 80.
Proceedings of the Conference
- Devi. N (2017). Strategies for prevention of Noise-Induced hearing loss’. Proceedings of National seminar on ‘Noise induced hearing loss: A propagative guidance for initiation of hearing conservation program’ organized by the department of POCD in association with regional occupational health center (s), Bengaluru, National Institute of Occupational Health, ICMR (RCI-CRE). Pg. 37.
- Merin, M & Devi, N (2016). Comparison between linear and non-linear hearing aid processed speech and music across compression. Proceeding of International seminar on sciences of music. Pg. 38.
- Raja Rajan. R, Srikar. V, Devi. N, Tejaswini. S, Pavana. M, Rajesh Kumar. R, Sharmada. K, Meera (2015). Utilization of smartphone based applications for rehabilitation of tinnitus. International society of Audiological Medicine. Pg. 19.
- Received ‘Manohar Memorial Award’ for the ‘Best paper in Audiology’ at 53rd ISHACON, 2022 held from 19-20 Feb, 2022 at Mysuru.
- Received ‘Best oral 2019 Award’ for the paper titled Neural processing of speech and music stimuli in aided and unaided condition, scientific paper presented in 2nd World congress on Neurological and Psychiatric disorders held in KualaLumpur, Malaysia held between 21.11.19 to 22.11.19.
- Received ‘Best paper Award’ for the ‘Best paper in Audiology’ for the paper titled at ‘Need for robotic resources in Speech and Hearing – An Indian study’ at 39th IRF International conferences held on 28th January, 2018 at Bengaluru.
- Received ‘Best paper Award’ for the ‘Best paper in Audiology’ for the paper titled ‘Robotic communicative tool in speech and hearing: A review’ at International conference on Innovative research in engineering and technology held on 11th June, 2017 at Mysuru.
- Received ‘Manohar Memorial Award’ for the ‘Best paper in Audiology’ at 48th ISHACON, 2016 held from 5-7 Feb, 2016 at Mumbai.
- Received ‘Best paper award’ at National symposium on Acoustics, 2014 held from 12-14 Nov, 2014 at Mysuru.
AIISH Research Projects completed
- Title of the project - Behavioural and Electrophysiological (P300) correlates for visual and auditory process in Alzheimers disease.
Co – investigator –Dr. Devi. N, Dr. Ramadevi Srenivas K. J. and Ms. Kalai Selvi
Total Grant – 4, 88,000/-
Funding source – AIISH Research Fund
Present status – initial report submitted in 2022 - Titled: Development of Phonemically balanced word lists in Tamil Language for adults
Co-Invesigator – Dr. N. Devi Funding – AIISH research fund
Project amount – 4, 88, 000/-
Completed during the year – Submitted in 2021 - Titled: Encoding of speech and music at auditory brainstem (frequency following response) with and without hearing aid
Principle Invesigator – Dr. N. Devi Funding – AIISH research fund
Project amount – 5, 18, 000/-
Completed during the year – Submitted in 2020 - Titled: Effect of canal widening (Type I Tympanoplasty) on hearing sensitivity
Co- Invesigator – N. Devi and Dr. H. Sundara Raju
Principal investigator – Dr. Prakash
Funding – AIISH research fund
Project amount – 4, 99, 000/-
Completed during the year – 2019 - Title of the project - ‘Hearing conservation program: Attitudes of employers and employees and the need for intervention module’ funded by AIISH, Mysore.
Principal investigator – Mr. Arun Raj
Co – investigator – Dr. Devi. N
Total Grant – 3, 26,000/-
Funding source – AIISH Research Fund
Duration – 12 months
Completed during the year– 2017. - Title of the project - ‘Comparison of CROS and BAHA in individuals with unilateral hearing loss’.
Principal investigator – Dr. Devi N
Co – investigator – Dr. Ramadevi Sreenivas K. J., Mr. Baba Fakruddin
Total Grant – 3, 26,000/-
Funding source – AIISH Research Fund
Duration – 12 months
Completed during the year – 2014 - Title of the project - ‘Servicing and Repair of Hearing aids’.
Principal investigator – Prof. Manjula. P
Co – investigator –Dr. Devi. N, Dr. Ramadevi Srenivas K. J. and Ms. Kalai Selvi
Total Grant – 3, 13,000/-
Funding source – AIISH Research Fund
Duration – 12 months
Completed during the year – 2012
Designation |
Organization |
From |
To |
1. |
Senior Audiologist |
AIISH, Mysore |
01.07.2005 |
17.09.2006 |
2. |
Research Assistant |
AIISH, Mysore |
18.09.2006 |
17.04.2007 |
3. |
Clinical Supervisor |
AIISH, Mysore |
18.04.2007 |
17.09.2007 |
4. |
Lecturer in Audiology |
AIISH, Mysore |
17.09.2007 (A/N) |
30.06.2016 |
5. |
Reader in Audiology |
AIISH, Mysore |
01.06.2016 |
12.05.2021 |
6. |
Associate Professor in Audiology |
AIISH, Mysore |
13.05.2021 |
Till date |
- ಶೈಕ್ಷಣಿಕ ಶ್ರವಣಶಾಸ್ತ್ರ
- ಪುನರ್ವಸತಿ ಆಡಿಯಾಲಜಿ ಮತ್ತು ಪೀಡಿಯಾಟ್ರಿಕ್ ಆಡಿಯಾಲಜಿ.