ಡಾ.ಕೆ.ವಿ. ನಿಶಾ
She has experience in field of Auditory electrophysiology, spatial processing and psychoacoustics for 8 years. She severed as JRF from 2014 -2017, following which she has worked as faculty at JSSISH For 8 months. She was aareded her doctorate from University of Mysore in 2018 May. She joined at AIISH on 1st of AUG 2018, from when she is serving as a SCIENTIST B at COE-Hearing sciences, Dept of Audiology.
In Journals
International: 12
- Sanjana. M., & Nisha, K.V. (2022). Effects of Abacus Training on Auditory Spatial Maturation in Children with Normal Hearing. International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology (in press). https://doi.org/10.1055/s-0041-1741434.
- Nisha, K.V.., Durai, R., & Konadath, S (2022). Musical Training and its Association with Age-related Changes in Binaural, Temporal, and Spatial Processing. American Journal of Audiology (Early Online). https://doi.org/10.1044/2022_AJA-21-00227
- Lokwani, P., Prabhu, P., & Nisha, K. V. (2022). Profiles and predictors of onset based differences in vocal characteristics of adults with auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder (ANSD). Journal of Otology, (Early online). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.joto.2022.08.001
- Rao, R. M., Rajils Raveendran, E. R., Nidha, K., Namitha, K., Prashanth Prabhu, P., & Nisha, K. V. (2022). Audio-vestibular manifestations in Kawasaki disease (KD): a rare atypical case presentation. The Egyptian Journal of Otolaryngology, 38(1), 101. https://doi.org/10.1186/s43163-022-00279-x.
- Manchaiah, V., Nisha, K.V., Prabhu, P., Granberg, S., Karlsson, E., Andersson, G., & Beukes, E.W. (2022). Examining the consequences of tinnitus using the multidimensional perspective. Acta Oto-Laryngologica, 142(1):67-72. https://doi.org/10.1080/00016489.2021.2019307.
- Raza, A. F., Paudel, D. R., & Nisha, K.V. (2022). Audiological Profiling and Rehabilitation Outcomes in a Child with Johanson-Blizzard syndrome: A Case Study. Journal of Audiology and Otology (Early online). https://doi.org/10.7874/jao2021.00444.
- Nisha, K. V. & Kumar, A. U. (2022). Effects of Spatial Training Paradigms on Auditory Spatial Refinement in Normal Hearing Listeners: A Comparative Study. Journal of Audiology and Otology (Early online). https://doi.org/10.7874/jao.2021.00451.
- Nisha, K.V., Devi, N., Nayagam, N. (2021). Musical Aptitude as a Variable in the Assessment of Working Memory and Selective Attention Tasks. Journal of Audiology and Otology, 25(4):178-188. https://doi.org/10.7874/jao2021.00171.
- Nisha, K.V., Sanjana, M., Rohith, V.S., Rajalakshmi, K., Prabhu, P. (2021). Profiles and predictors of auditory functioning in abacus-trained children. International Journal of Paediatric Otorhinolaryngology. 142, article no. 110608. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijporl.2021.110608.
- Prabhu, P., Jasiya K.M., Joshi., K., & Nisha, K. V. (2021). Contralateral Suppression of Spontaneous Otoacoustic Emissions in Individuals with Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder. International Journal of Advanced Otology, 17(4), 325-329. https://doi.org/10.5152/iao.2021.9098.
- Nisha, K. V. & Kumar, A. U. (2019). Pre-Attentive Neural Signatures of Auditory Spatial Processing in Individuals with Normal hearing and Sensorineural Hearing Impairment: a Comparative study. American Journal of Audiology, 48 (2S), 437-449. https://doi.org/10.1044/2018_AJA-IND50-18-0099.
- Nisha, K. V., & Kumar, A. U. (2019). Cortical reorganization following auditory spatial training in listeners with sensorineural hearing impairment: A high-density electroencephalography study. The Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 145(3), 1906. https://doi.org/10.1121/1.5101915
- Nisha, K. V., & Kumar, A. U. (2017). Virtual Auditory Space Training Induced Changes of Auditory Spatial Processing in Listeners with Normal Hearing. International Journal of Advanced Otology, 13(1), 118-127. https://doi.org/10.5152/iao.2017.3477.
National: 07
- Nisha, K. V., (2020). Applications of Electroencephalography (EEG) in Neuro-Steered Hearing Aids: A scoping review. The Journal of Acoustical Society of India, 47(1), 29–36. ISSN: 0973-3302. https://acoustics.org.in
- Nisha K. V., & Kumar, A.U. (2020). Towards the Identification of Optimal Tool for Auditory Spatial Assessment. Abstract Proceeding of 52nd ISHACON-2020. Journal of Indian Speech and Hearing Association, 34:44-45. https://doi.org/10.4103/0974-2131.288975
- Nisha K. V., & Kumar, A.U. (2020). Age-related Changes in Cortical Coding of Auditory Space: Evidence from Electroencephalography. Abstract Proceeding of 52nd ISHACON-2020. Journal of Indian Speech and Hearing Association, 34:50-51. https://doi.org/10.4103/0974-2131.288975
- Bhatarai, P., Kruthika, S., & Nisha K. V., Prabhu. P. (2020). Test-Retest Reliability of Virtual Acoustic Space Identification Test as A Function of Age. International Symposium on Audiological Medicine – ISAM journal, 52-59. ISSN NO: 2230 - 8601.
- Chaitanya., Chandan., Aslin, P., Gupta., A., & Nisha K. V., Prabhu. P. (2020). Intra And Inter Session Test Re-Test Reliability of smart phone Based Assessment of Hearing Thresholds. International Symposium on Audiological Medicine – ISAM journal, 52-59. ISSN NO: 2230 - 8601.
- Nisha, K. V., & Kumar, A. U. (2016). Impact of Localization Training on Auditory Spatial Processing Skills in Listeners with Normal Hearing. Journal of Indian Speech and Hearing Association, 30: 28-39. https://doi.org/10.4103/jisha.JISHA_2_17.
- Nisha, K. V., & Manjula, P. (2013). Are Different Hearing Aid Settings Required For Different Languages ? Students Research at All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Mysore (Articles Based on Dissertations at All India Institute of Speech and Hearing), 11, 69–78.
In Conference abstracts and Proceedings: 13
- Dhrruvakumar, S., Nisha, K. V., Neelamegarajan, D., Arasuraj, V., Rashmi, E. (2022). Objective Speech Intelligibility and Quality Measures as Tools for Optimizing Hearing Aid Performance in Sloping Hearing Loss. 3rd Virtual Conference on Computational Audiology (VCCA, Virtual conference), Oldenburg, Germany (30th – June – 1st July 2022), pg 51.
- Sampath, S., Syeda. A., Nisha, K. V., Neelamegarajan, D. (2022). Spatial acuity assessment techniques in real and closed field: A comparative study. 3rd Virtual Conference on Computational Audiology (VCCA, Virtual conference), Oldenburg, Germany (30th – June – 1st July 2022), pg 46.
- Upadhya, S.S., Bhattacharyya, R., Jargar, R., Kumar, S., & Nisha, K. V., (2022). Spatial acuity and its relationship with innate musical abilities. 3rd Virtual Conference on Computational Audiology (VCCA, Virtual conference), Oldenburg, Germany (30th – June – 1st July 2022), pg 42.
- Syeda. A., Nisha, K. V., Jain, C. (2022). Effects of Maturation and Gender on Auditory Spatial and Working Memory Abilities in Typically Developing Children. 3rd Virtual Conference on Computational Audiology (VCCA, Virtual conference), Oldenburg, Germany (30th – June – 1st July 2022), pg 41.
- Tiwari, S., Dattakumar, V., Nisha, K. V., Prabhu, P. (2022). Influence of Cross Modality Testing on Auditory Working Memory in School Going Children. 3rd Virtual Conference on Computational Audiology (VCCA, Virtual conference), Oldenburg, Germany (30th – June – 1st July 2022), pg 40.
- Nisha, K. V., & Prabhu, P. (2021). Does Musical Training Confer Differential Advantages in Binaural Integration and Interaction tasks? : A comparative Study on Instrumentalists and Vocalists. Proceedings of the 3rd International Music and CI Symposium, Cambridge Hearing Group, Cambridge, UK (15th -16th Sep 2021), pg 61.
- Prathibha, A. K. S., & Nisha, K.V., Kumar, A. U. (2021). Evaluation of hearing aid benefit in children with ANSD and SNHL. Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Auditory and Audiological Research (ISAAR): The auditory system throughout life – Models, mechanisms and interventions, Technical university of Denmark, Denmark (23rd - 27th Aug 2021), Pg 44.
- Gayathri, Jayasree, Malavika, Bahis, A., Nisha, K.V., & Prabhu, P. (2021). Problems and Life Effects Experienced by Individuals with Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder: An Exploratory Study Using the ICF Classification. Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Auditory and Audiological Research (ISAAR): The auditory system throughout life – Models, mechanisms and interventions, Technical university of Denmark, Denmark (23rd - 27th Aug 2021), Pg 75.
- Bhoomika, Nisha K.V. (2021) Effects of Musical Training on Auditory Spatial Processing Abilities: A Psychoacoustical and Perceptual Study. In: Biswas A., Wennekes E., Hong TP., Wieczorkowska A. (eds) Advances in Speech and Music Technology. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium of Frontiers of Research in Speech and Music (FRSM-2020), vol 1320. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-33-6881-1_22 eBook ISBN: 978-981-33-6881-1.
- Konadath, S., Durai, R., Nisha, K. V. (2020). Effect of musical training in preserving the temporal and spatial hearing processing abilities in elderly adults, In proceedings of 13th International Conference of Students of Systematic Musicology (SYS-Mus 20), York, England (15-17th Sept 2020), Pg 77-78. https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/KAS63
- Nisha, K.V., & Kumar, A.U., & Kapaddi, S. (2019). Auditory Spatial Acuity in Closed Field as a Function of Age. Proceedings of 47th National Symposium on Acoustics, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack, OCT 17-19, Odisha, Pg 62.
- Nisha, K. V., & Kumar, A.U., & Kapaddi, S. (2019). Test-Retest Reliability of Virtual Acoustic Space Identification Test in Individuals with Normal Hearing. Proceedings of 47th National Symposium on Acoustics, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack, OCT 17-19, Odisha, Pg 63.
- Nisha, K.V., & Kumar, A. U. (2015). Impact of Localization training regime on Auditory spatial acuity measures in listeners with normal hearing. Proceedings of National 43rd Symposium on Acoustics, CSIR-NIO, Feb, Goa. Pg 59.
Research Paper Presented:
International: 20
- Jargar, R., Bhattacharyya, R., Kumar, S., Upadhya, S.S., & Nisha, K. V. (2022). Dexterity and its Association with Auditory Spatial Processing in Closed-Field. Oral paper presentation, International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP) – Audiology Conference (Virtual), Mysuru, India Germany (25th – 27th Aug 2022).
- Syeda. A., Nisha, K. V., & Jain, C. (2022). Test-Retest Reliability of Spatial Perception using Virtual Acoustic Space Identification Test in Normal Hearing Children. Oral paper presentation, International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP) – Audiology Conference, Mysuru, India Germany (25th – 27th Aug 2022).
- Vikas, M.D.., Thomas, P., & Nisha, K. V. (2022). Communication Strategies Adopted by Older Hearing Aid Users during Covid-19 Restrictions. Oral paper presentation, International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP) – Audiology Conference, Mysuru, India Germany (25th – 27th Aug 2022).
- Gayathri, K., Malavika, P., Nisha, K. V., & Prabhu, P. (2022). Poster paper presentation, Evaluating stress among parents of pre-schoolers with profound hearing loss in the Indian context. International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP) – Audiology Conference, Mysuru, India Germany (25th – 27th Aug 2022).
- S Sanjay, S., Aryal, S., Nisha, K.V., & Prabhu, P. (2022). Binaural processing and auditory working memory in individuals with tinnitus having normal hearing sensitivity. Poster paper presentation, International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP) – Audiology Conference, Mysuru, India Germany (25th – 27th Aug 2022).
- Dhrruvakumar, S., Nisha, K. V., Neelamegarajan, D., Arasuraj, V., & Rashmi, E. (2022). Objective Speech Intelligibility and Quality Measures as Tools for Optimizing Hearing Aid Performance in Sloping Hearing Loss. Oral paper presentation, 3rd Virtual Conference on Computational Audiology (VCCA, Virtual conference), Oldenburg, Germany (30th – June – 1st July 2022).
- Sampath, S., Syeda. A., Nisha, K. V., & Neelamegarajan, D. (2022). Spatial acuity assessment techniques in real and closed field: A comparative study. Oral paper presentation, 3rd Virtual Conference on Computational Audiology (VCCA, Virtual conference), Oldenburg, Germany (30th – June – 1st July 2022).
- Upadhya, S.S., Bhattacharyya, R., Jargar, R., Kumar, S., & Nisha, K. V., (2022). Spatial acuity and its relationship with innate musical abilities. Oral paper presentation, 3rd Virtual Conference on Computational Audiology (VCCA, Virtual conference), Oldenburg, Germany (30th – June – 1st July 2022).
- Syeda. A., Nisha, K. V., Jain, C. (2022). Effects of Maturation and Gender on Auditory Spatial and Working Memory Abilities in Typically Developing Children. Oral paper presentation, 3rd Virtual Conference on Computational Audiology (VCCA, Virtual conference), Oldenburg, Germany (30th – June – 1st July 2022).
- Tiwari, S., Dattakumar, V., Nisha, K. V., Prabhu, P. (2022). Influence of Cross Modality Testing on Auditory Working Memory in School Going Children. Oral paper presentation, 3rd Virtual Conference on Computational Audiology (VCCA, Virtual conference), Oldenburg, Germany (30th – June – 1st July 2022).
- Karthik, M., Nisha, K.V., & Konadath, S. (2022). An exploratory study of Problem and life effects in Individuals with Noise-Induced Hearing Loss. Poster presentation at National Hearing Conservation Association (Virtual conference), (10th - 2th Feb 2022)
- Nisha, K.V., & Prabhu, P. (2021). Does Musical Training Confer Differential Advantages in Binaural Integration and Interaction tasks? : A comparative Study on Instrumentalists and Vocalists. Poster presentation at the 3rd International Music & Cochlear Implants Symposium (Virtual conference), Cambridge, UK (15th - 16th September 2021).
- Prathibha, A. K. S., & Nisha, K.V., Kumar, A. U. (2021). Problems and Life Effects Experienced by Individuals with Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder: An Exploratory Study Using the ICF Classification. The 8th International Symposium on Auditory and Audiological Research (ISAAR): The auditory system throughout life – Models, mechanisms and interventions (Virtual conference). The technical university of Denmark, Denmark (23rd - 27th Aug 2021).
- Gayathri, Jayasree, Malavika, Bahis, A., Nisha, K.V., & Prabhu, P. (2021). Evaluation of hearing aid benefit in children with ANSD and SNHL. The 8th International Symposium on Auditory and Audiological Research (ISAAR): The auditory system throughout life – Models, mechanisms and interventions (Virtual conference), The technical university of Denmark, Denmark (23rd - 27th Aug 2021).
- Nisha, K.V., Devi, N., & Nishanth, N. (2021). Musicality: innateness and predictors. Oral presentation at the 16th International conference on music processing and cognition (ICMPC 16, Virtual conference), Sheffield, England (27th – 31th July 2021).
- Sanjana, M., & Nisha, K.V. (2021). Exploring the difference in auditory special processing between instrumental and vocal musician’s. Poster presentation at the 16th International conference on music processing and cognition (ICMPC 16, Virtual conference), Sheffield, England (27th – 31th July, 2021).
- Bhoomika, G., Nisha, K. V. (2020). Effects of Musical Training on Auditory Spatial Processing Abilities: A Psychoacoustical and Perceptual Study. Poster paper presented at 25th International Symposium of Frontiers of Research in Speech and Music (FRSM-2020), National Institute of Technology, Silchar, Assam (8-9th Oct 2020).
- Konadath, S., Durai, R., Nisha, K. V. (2020). Effect of Musical Training in Preserving the Temporal and Spatial Hearing Processing Abilities in Elderly Adults. Poster paper presented at International Conference of Students of Systematic Musicology (SYS-Mus, Virtual conference), York, England (15-17th Sept 2020).
- Nisha, K. V., & Ajith Kumar, U. (2019). Cortical reorganization following auditory spatial training in listeners with Sensorineural hearing impairment: A high-density Electroencephalography study, Oral paper in Audiology presented at 177th meeting of Acoustical Society of America, Louisville, Kentucky, USA (13th – 17th May 2019).
- Nisha, K. V., & Ajith Kumar, U. (2017). Pre-attentive Neural Correlates of Auditory Spatial Changes in Individuals with Sensorineural Hearing impairment, Poster paper presented in International workshop on construction and analyses of experiments in Human Neurophysiology – (EEGLAB WORKSHOP), AIISH, Mysore (16-20th Jan, 2017).
National: 26
- Prabhu, P., Nisha, K. V., Swetha, D., Wagholikar, S., & Sumanth (2022). Evaluating the consequences of Vertigo using the ICF framework from a multidimensional perspective, Oral paper in BalanceCon 2022, Zuri White sands, Goa (13th – 15th May 2022).
- Prabhu, P., Raveendran, E. R., Rao, M. R., Nidha, K., & Nisha, K. V. (2022). Vestibular assessment and rehabilitation in an adolescent with Kawasaki Disease, E-poster paper in BalanceCon 2022, Zuri White sands, Goa (13th – 15th May 2022).
- Mathew, S.A., Varan, A., Jyothi, S., Devi, N., & Nisha K.V. (2022). Survey on Parental Satisfaction on tele and face-to-face listening therapy during Covid-19 Pandemic, Poster paper, 53rd ISHACON, Mysuru (19th-20th February ,2022).
- Malavika, P., Gayathri, K., Nisha, K. V., Prabhu, P. (2022). Parental stress in caregivers/Parents of hearing impaired children: An exploratory study using ICF classification. Poster paper, 53rd ISHACON, Mysuru (19th-20th February, 2022).
- Vikas, M. D., Nisha, K. V., Gowthami B (2022). Effect of Covid on communication strategies adopted by older hearing aid users. Poster paper, 53rd ISHACON, Mysuru (19th-20th February, 2022).
- Loganathan, M. K., Nisha, K. V., Thammaiah, S. (2022). Awareness of role of Audiologist in hearing health care: A survey among rural health care workers. Poster paper, 53rd ISHACON, Mysuru (19th-20th February, 2022).
- Raveendran, E. R., Rao, M. R., Nidha, K., Namitha, K., Nisha, K. V., & Prabhu, P. (2021). ‘Audiological Profiling in an Adolescent Female Post-Kawasaki Disease’ oral paper, Medical Audiology: Perspectives from Partnerships, Dr. S R. Chandrashekar Institute of Speech and Hearing, Benguluru (13th - 17th December, 2021).
- Ananya K., Aishwarya B., Mayuri, R., Devi. N., & Nisha K.V. (2021). Survey on hearing-related issues in children attending online classes, poster paper, 1st AIISH Audiology Convention, Mysuru (11th -12th Nov, 2021).
- Lokwani, P., Nisha, K. V. (2021). Consequences of varying onset of Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder on Acoustical and perceptual Quality of Voice, Oral paper, 1st AIISH Audiology Convention, Mysuru (11th -12th Nov, 2021).
- Sridhar, S., Sushma, M., Nisha, K. V., & Pushpavathi, M. (2021). Presented a paper titled ‘Top down and bottom up Auditory Processing in Children with Consequences of varying onset of Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder on Acoustical and perceptual Quality of Voice’, Oral paper, 1st AIISH Audiology Convention, Mysuru (11th -12th Nov, 2021).
- Bhatarai, P., Kruthika, S., & Nisha K. V., Prabhu. P. (2021). Test-Retest Reliability of Virtual Acoustic Space Identification Test as a Function of Age. Poster paper, International Symposium on Audiological Medicine, Bhuvaneswar, 9-10th Jan 2021.
- Chaitanya., Chandan., Aslin, P., Gupta., A., & Nisha K. V., Prabhu. P. (2021). Intra And Inter Session Test Re-Test Reliability of smart phone Based Assessment of Hearing Thresholds. Poster paper, International Symposium on Audiological Medicine, Bhuvaneswar (9-10th Jan 2021).
- Nisha, K. V., & Kumar, A. U. (2020). Age-related changes in cortical coding of auditory space: evidence from electroencephalography, Oral paper in Audiology presented at 52nd ISHACON, Chandigarh (13th – 16th Feb 2020).
- Nisha, K. V., & Kumar, A. U. (2020). Towards the identification of optimal tool for auditory spatial assessment, Oral paper in Audiology presented at 52nd ISHACON, Chandigarh (13th – 16th Feb 2020).
- Nisha, K. V., & Kumar, A. U. (2019). Auditory neural correlates of spatial training in listeners with Sensorineural hearing impairment: A high Density Electroencephalography study, Poster paper in Audiology presented at 51st ISHACON, Benguluru (7th – 10th Feb 2019).
- Nisha, K. V., & Kumar, A. U. (2019). Application of Virtual Acoustic Technology for Auditory Spatial training in listeners with Sensorineural hearing impairment, Oral paper in Audiology presented at 51st ISHACON, Benguluru (7th – 10th Feb 2019).
- Nisha, K. V., & Kumar, A. U. (2018). Pre-Attentive Neural Signatures of Auditory Spatial Processing in Individuals with Normal hearing and Sensorineural Hearing Impairment: a Comparative study, Oral paper in Audiology presented at 50th ISHACON, Mysore (5th – 7th Jan 2018).
- Nisha, K. V., & Kumar, A. U. (2018). Comparison of Effectiveness of two Spatial Training Paradigms in refinement of spatial skills in Normal Hearing Listeners, Poster paper in Audiology presented at 50th ISHACON, Mysore (5th – 7th Jan 2018).
- Devi, N., Usharani, N. S., Nisha, K. V. (2017). Comparison of Speech and Music (instrumental) evoked P300 in individuals with and without musical abilities, Poster paper in Audiology presented at 49th ISHACON, Kolkatta (6 – 8th January 2017).
- Nisha, K. V., & Kumar, A. U. (2016). Pre-Attentive Cortical Processing of Auditory Spatial Information in Listeners with Normal Hearing: Insights into Cross-race Spatial Processing Similarities, Poster paper in Audiology presented 48th ISHACON, Mumbai (5 – 7th Feb 2016).
- Nisha, K. V., & Kumar, A. U. (2016). Neural Correlates of Auditory Spatial Processing in Attentive and Non-Attentive States in Listeners with Normal Hearing, Oral paper in Audiology presented at 48th ISHACON, Mumbai (5 – 7th Feb 2016).
- Nisha, K. V., & Kumar, A. U. (2016). Virtual Auditory Space Training Induced Changes of Auditory Spatial Processing in Listeners with Normal Hearing, Oral paper presented in 48th ISHACON, Mumbai (5 – 7th Feb 2016).
- Nisha, K. V., & Kumar, A. U. (2015). Impact of Localization training regime on Auditory spatial acuity measures in listeners with normal hearing, Oral presentation paper presented at National Symposium on Acoustics, CSIR-NIO, Donapaula, Goa (7-9th Oct, 2015).
- Nisha, K. V., & Manjula, P. (2014). Is it imperative to have different hearing aid settings for different languages?, Oral paper presented at 46th ISHACON, Kochi (7th – 9th Feb 2014).
- Nisha, K. V., Mishra, R., & Shanbal, J. (2012). Learning Disability in the early years: identification enigma to SLPs, Poster paper presented at 44th ISHACON, Hyderabad (22nd – 24th Jan 2012).
- Nisha, K. V., Stephen, S., & Yathiraj, A. (2010). Loudness Perception of Vowels as a Function of Presentation Levels in Children using Cochlear Implants, oral paper presented at the 42nd ISHACON, Bangalore (22nd – 24th JAN 2010).
- ಎಲೆಕ್ಟ್ರೋಫಿಸಿಯಾಲಜಿ
- ಹೆಚ್ಚಿನ ಸಾಂದ್ರತೆಯ ಎಲೆಕ್ಟ್ರೋಎನ್ಸೆಫಾಲೋಗ್ರಫಿ
- ಆಡಿಟರಿ ಫಿಸಿಯಾಲಜಿ
- ಸೈಕೋಅಕೌಸ್ಟಿಕ್ಸ್, ಪ್ರಾದೇಶಿಕ ಗ್ರಹಿಕೆ