Dr. Geetha completed her under-graduation and post-graduation at All India institute of speech and hearing in 2003 and 2005, respectively. She was awarded her Ph.D. degree at the University of Mysore in the year 2016. She has worked at Manipal University for three years as faculty and at AIISH for the past 13 years, and currently, she is serving as Associate Professor in Audiology. Her primary focus has been on amplification devices, cochlear Implants, and Tinnitus. She has over 20 publications in national and international journals. She has guided over 25 master dissertations and currently guiding a PhD candidate. She has also presented many research papers at national conferences and has bagged 12 awards for different research papers in the field.
Geetha C, Chandni J, & Keershi, S. P. (2022). Relationship between Auditory Processing Abilities and Hearing Aid Benefit in Elderly Individuals with Hearing Impairment. Auditory and Vestibular Research 31(3):196-207
Geetha, C., Devi, N & Udhaykumar, R. (2021). Development, standardization, and validation of bisyllabic phonemically balanced Tamil word test in quiet and noise. Journal of Hearing Science, 11 (4), 42-47.
Geetha, C., Shetty, H. N., and Paliniyappan V. (2021). The Effect of Digital Noise Reduction and Directional Microphones in Hearing Aids on Temporal Envelope and Speech Recognition. Journal of Hearing Science, 11 (4), 19-29.
Jain, C., Keerthi, S. P., & Geetha, C. (2019): Effect of age on binaural integration using dichotic digit test in Kannada. Hearing, Balance and Communication, DOI: 10.1080/21695717.2019.1705058
Nayana M., Keerthi, S. P. & Geetha C. (2019). Effect of number of talkers and language of babble on acceptable noise level in Kannada listeners. Hearing, Balance and Communication, 16(4), 241-247.
Manjula, P, Antony, J., Sharath kumar K S & Geetha C. (2018). Assessment of clinical utility of phonemically balanced word lists for adult speakers of Kannada. Journal of Hearing Science, 8(3), 40-45.
C. Geetha, Kishore Tanniru and R. Rajarajan (2017). Efficacy of directional microphones in hearing aids equipped with wireless synchronization technology. The Journal of International Advanced Otology, 13 (1): 113-7
Geetha, C , Ravindran Raja Rajan, Kishore Tanniru (2016). A Review of the performance of wireless synchronized hearing aids, Journal of Hearing Sciences, 5 (4) 9-12.
Kumaran.T, & Geetha, C. (2016). One year prevalence and risk factors of tinnitus in children with ontological problems, International Tinnitus Journal, 19 (2) 33-38.
Manjula, P., Jawahar, A.P., Sharath Kumar K.S., & Geetha, C. (2015). Development of phonemically balanced word lists for adults in the Kannada language, Journal Hearing Science, 5(1), 22-30.
Geetha C, Sharathkumar K. S., Manjula, P & Pavan, M. (2014). Development and standardisation of the sentence identification test in the Kannada language. Journal of Hearing Science, 4(1), 18-26.
Geetha C, & Manjula, P. (2014). Effect of compression, digital noise reduction and directionality on envelope difference index, log-likelihood ratio and perceived quality. Audiology Research, 4:110, 46-51.
Geetha C, & Manjula, P. (2014). Effect of Compression Parameters on the Gain for Kannada Sentence, ISTS and Non-Speech Signals in Hearing Aids. International Journal of Health Sciences and Research, 4(12), 316-324.
Thirunavukarasu, K., & Geetha, C. (2013). One-year prevalence and risk factors of tinnitus in older individuals with otological problems. International Tinnitus Journal, 18(2), 175-181.
C. Geetha, Kishore Tanniru and R. Rajarajan (2021). Speech perception in noise and localization performance of digital noise reduction algorithm in hearing aids with ear-to-ear synchronization. Journal of Indian Speech and Hearing Association, 40 (1), 23-40.
C. Geetha, R. Rajarajan and Kishore Tanniru (2016). Evaluation of digital signal processing algorithms in hearing aids with ear to ear synchronization. Journal of Acoustical Society of India (Pg. 125-131).
Prawin Kumar, C. Geetha and Y.N. Manjunatha (2016). Detection of speech stimuli at cortex in children using hearing aids: An evidence from speech evoked cortical potential. Journal of Acoustical Society of India (Pg. 125-131).
Geetha, C., Nazneen, G., Swetha, K. & Rajashekar.B. (2009). Use of Personal Music System: Does It Cause Hearing Loss Or Tinnitus?. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 28, 135-141.
Geetha,C., Ashley,G., & Yahtiraj,A. (2006). Perception of high frequency filtered speech in normals. Journal of Indian Speech and Hearing Association, 20 (Part II), 47-51.
Geetha C. & Manjula P. (2005). Effect of syllabic and dual compression on speech identification scores. AIISH, Mysore (articles based on dissertation done at AIISH), Vol. III, P.57-66. 2008
Research Paper Presentations
- Geetha C, Santosh M, and Varsha Krishna. (2022). Effect of rhythm, the familiarity of the background language, and working memory on speech perception in normal-hearing adults under the Oral category at the IALP Audiology Conference – 2022 held between 25th to 27th August 2022.
- Sushmitha Upadhya, Geetha C, Varsha, and Rajesh. (2022). Comparison of long-term average speech spectrum of ISTS and five Indian languages under the Oral category at the IALP Audiology Conference – 2022 held between 25th to 27th August 2022.
- Ranjini A, Manjula P, and Geetha C. (2022). Comparison of Electrophysiological and Behavioural Outcome Measures in Children Using Bimodal Devices under the Oral category at the IALP Audiology Conference – 2022 held between 25th to 27th August 2022.
- Brunda L Raj and Dr. Geetha C. (2022). Effect of parental factors on early cochlear implantation in children under the Oral category at the IALP Audiology Conference – 2022 held between 25th to 27th August 2022.
- Megha, Manjula P, Geetha, C and Antony J. (2021). Profile of audiological assessment for cochlear implant candidacy in children in India. Paper presented in CIGICON 2021 held between 12th to 14th November 2021.
- Megha, Manjula P, Geetha, C and Antony J. (2021). A survey on protocol used for measuring outcomes after cochlear implantation in children in India. Paper presented in CIGICON 2021 held between 12th to 14th November 2021.
- Geetha, C., Chandni, J. & Keerthi, S. P. Relationship between auditory processing abilities and aided speech perception in noise in elders, in the 3rd SHAIWBCON-2021 organized by West Bengal branch of ISHACON, Kolkata on 30th and 31st January 2021
- Megha, Asha Yathiraj, Manjula P, Geetha C, Jawahar Antony P (2019) presented a paper on “Reversed ipsilateral electrically evoked stapedial reflex (eSR) in children using cochlear implants” and received first prize in the Audiology oral paper category in CIGICON 2019 held at Mumbai from 11th - 13th October 2019.
- Jawahar Antony, Asha Yathiraj, Manjula P, Geetha C, Megha (2019) presented a paper on “Non-acoustic reflex in children who underwent cochlear implantation through Veria technique’ and received second prize in the Audiology poster paper category in CIGICON 2019 held at Mumbai from 11th - 13th October 2019.
- Geetha C, Chandni Jain and Keerthi Sringari Parmeshwara (2018). Auditory processing abilities in naïve and experencied hearing aid users. Paper presented at Kerala ISHA, 15-16th Sep, 2018.
- Geetha C, Chandni Jain and Keerthi Sringari Parmeshwara (2018). Effect of age on binaural integration using dichotic digit test. Paper presented at Kerala ISHA, 15-16th Sep, 2018.
- Geetha C, Chandni Jain and Keerthi Sringari Parmeshwara (2018). Effect of age and hearing loss on Auditory processing abilities. Paper presented at WSPD, 8-9th Sep, 2018.
- AshaYathiraj, Manjula P., Geetha C., Megha, Jawahar Antony (2017). Comparision of ipsilateral and contralateral eSRT measures in two surgical approaches for cochlear implantation. Paper presented at CIGICON, 2017 held at Visakhapatnam, India on 3-4 November 2017.
- AshaYathiraj, Manjula P., Geetha C., Jawahar Antony, Megha (2017). Negative middle ear pressure and non-auditory stimulation in a child using cochlear implantation. Paper presented at CIGICON, 2017 held at Visakhapatnam, India.
- AshaYathiraj, Geetha C., Megha, Jawahar Antony, Nayana P Kumar (2017). Comparision of speech perception scores accross two different cochlear implant companies. Paper presented at CIGICON, 2017 held at Visakhapatnam, India.
- Geetha C. (2018). Optimization of compression parameters in hearing aids using aided audibility index. Presented at 50th ISHACON 2018 held at Mysuru between 5-7 January 2018.
- Geetha,C ., Hemanth, N S., & Vinodhini, P. (2018). Effect of noise reduction strategies used in hearing aid on speech perception for young and older adults. 3rd international conference on ‘Challenging Exclusion’ held at SRM institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, 30.01.18 to 02.02.18.
- Nayana M, Keerthi S.P. & Geetha C (2017). Effect of number of talkers and language of babble on ANL. Paper presented at 49th ISHACON held at Kolkata from 6th to 8th January 2017.
- P. Vinodhini & Geetha C. (2017). Influence of hearing aid algorithum on speech perception and frequency specific envelope changes. Presented at National conference on Auditory evoked potentials, HCC FlaSH Series I, Department of Audiology & Speech Language Pathology, Holy Cross College, Tiruchirappalli, TN.
- Geetha C., Vinodhini P., & Hemanth N. (2016). ‘Effect of number and type of algorithms in a hearing aid on temporal cues and speech perception’. Paper presented in 9th KSB ISHACON 2016 at Palakkad, Kerala on 23.010.2016.
- Manjula P., Jawahar Antony P., Megha, Nayana P. K., Geetha C. Outcome with Cochlear Implantation in a Child with ANSD. Paper presented at CIGICON 2016 held at Kochi from 8th to 9th October 2016.
- AshaYathiraj, Geetha C, Jawahar Antony P, Megha, Nayana P K (2016). Unusual high electrode impedances and its implication in mapping. Paper presented at CIGICON 2016 held at Kochi from 8th to 9th October 2016.
- Vinodhini P. & Geetha C. (2016). ‘Evaluation of differences between International Speech Test Signal (ISTS), Kannada passage and English passage ’. Paper presented in 9th KSB ISHACON 2016 at Palakkad, Kerala on 23.10.2016.
- Geetha C., Ms. Vinodhini P, Mr. Hemanth N. (2016). Does the length of stimuli affect the amount of temporal deviation of speech in a hearing aid?‘. A scientific paper presented at 6th ISHA TN Conference 2016 at Puducherry from 19-20th Nov 16.
- Geetha C., Ms. Vinodhini P, Mr. Hemanth N. (2016). ‘Quality perception of speech and its relationship with the envelope changes induced by the algorithms in the hearing aid’. A scientific paper presented at 6th ISHA TN Conference 2016 at Puducherry from 19-20th Nov 16.
- Geetha C., Raja Rajan & Kishore Tanniru (2016). Efficacy of Directional Microphones in Hearing Aids Equipped with Wireless Synchronization Technology. Scientific paper presented in 48th ISHACON 2016, Mumbai held between 5th to 7th Feb 2016
- Geetha, C Raja Rajan R., & Kishore, T. (2015). Evaluation of digital signal processing features in hearing aids with wireless synchronization – A localization study. 8th ISHA-KSB CON to be held at Sultan Bathery, Kerala from 12th to 14th September 2015.
- Raja Rajan, R., & Geetha, C. (2015). Subjective and objective benefit of wireless synchronization technology hearing aids. 8th KSB ISHACON to be held at Sultan Bathery, Kerala from 12th to 14th September 2015.
- Geetha, C., Raja Rajan, R., & Kishore, T. (2015). ‘Evaluation of digital signal processing algorithms in hearing aids with ear to ear synchronization using speech in noise’. Scientific paper presented in National Symposium on Acoustics (NSA 2015), held at Goa from 7-9 Oct, 2015.
- Prawin Kumar, Geetha C., & Manjunatha Y N (2015). ‘Detection of speech stimuli at cortex in children using hearing aids: An evidence from speech evoked cortical potential’ Scientific paper abstract presented in National Symposium on Acoustics (NSA), held at Goa from 7-9 Oct, 2015.
- Geetha C, Rajarajan R and Kishore Tanniru (2015). ‘Evaluation of digital noise reduction algorithm in hearing aids with wireless synchronization technology’. Scientific paper abstract presented in International Symposium on Audiological Medicine (ISAM), held at Bhubaneswar between 5-7 Dec, 2015.
- Geetha, C., & Manjula, P. Comparison of the effective compression ratio and the nominal compression ratio in hearing aids. Paper presented at NSA held from 12th to 14th November, 2014 in AIISH, Mysuru.
- Dhanya, M, Geetha, C & Sandeep, M. Audiovisual Interaction in the perception and processing of speech. Paper presented at 7th KSB ISHACON held between 9th to 10th August, 2014 in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.
- Geetha, C., & Manjlua, P. Envelope Difference Index and Log-Likelihood ratio to quantify the temporal and spectral changes caused by compression, DNR and Directionality’. Paper presented at 46th ISHACON held from 07-02-14 to 09-02-14 in Kochi, Kerala (India).
- Kunmaran, T. & Geetha, C. Prevalence and risk factors of tinnitus in individuals with otological problems’ have been accepted for presentation at 46th ISHACON held from 07-02-14 to 09-02-14 in Kochi, Kerala (India).
- Nazneen, G., Swetha, K., Geetha, C. & Rajashekar.B. (2009). Use Of Personal Music System: Does It Cause Hearing Loss Or Tinnitus?. Paper Presented at 41st Indian speech- Language hearing association convention, Pune, India.
- Geetha. C. & Manjula. P (2008). Quantifying the effect of “Quantifying the effect of compression on speech identification scores” Paper Presented at 40th Indian speech- Language hearing association convention, Mangalore, India.
- Geetha. C. Ashly. G. & Asha Yathiraj (2005) “Effect of high frequency filtered speech in normals”. Paper Presented at 37th Indian speech- Language hearing association convention, Indore, India
Research Guidance
- Guided dissertation titled ‘Effect of long-term cochlear implant use on education and occupation: a systematic review’ under Mysore University for the year 2021-22.
- Guided dissertation titled ‘Factors affecting early cochlear implantation in children’ under Mysore University for the year 2021-22.
- Guided dissertation titled ‘A systematic review on the effect of cochlear implantation on cognition in children.’ under Mysore University for the year 2021-22.
- Guided dissertation titled ‘Listening habits of young adults during lockdown: A survey’ under Mysore University for the year 2020-21.
- Guided dissertation titled ‘Cortical auditory evoked potentials as performance indicators in cochlear implant: A systematic review’ under Mysore University for the year 2020-21.
- Guided dissertation titled ‘Development of Quality of life questionnaire for children using hearing devices in English and Kannada’ under Mysore University for the year 2020-21.
- Guided dissertation titled ‘Influence of age, cognition and proficiency of the non-native background language on speech recognition of native language’ under Mysore University for the year 2019-20.
- Guided dissertation titled ‘Adaptation, Translation and Validation of Parents Evaluation of oral/aural performance of children (PEACH) and Teachers' Evaluation of oral/aural performance of children (TEACH )’ under Mysore University for the year 2019-20.
- Guided dissertation titled ‘Comparison of subjective benefit of directional microphone in high cost and low cost digital hearing aids in noise’ under Mysore University for the year 2019-20.
- Guided dissertation ‘Outcome of experienced users of wireless synchronization digital hearing aids using Speech, Spatial and Qualities questionnaire’ under Mysore University for the year 2018-19.
- Guided dissertation titled ‘The effect of insertion gain and preferred gain on speech intelligibility’ under Mysore University for the year 2018-19.
- Guided dissertation titled ‘The influence of Proficiency of the non-native background language on Speech recognition of native language’ under Mysore University for the year 2018-19
- Guided dissertation titled ‘Outcome of experienced users of wireless synchronization digital hearing aids using Speech, Spatial and Qualities questionnaire’ under Mysore University for the year 2017-18.
- Guided dissertation titled ‘The influence of Proficiency of the non-native background language on Speech recognition of native language’ under Mysore University for the year 2017-18.
- Guided dissertation titled ‘The effect of insertion gain and preferred gain on speech intelligibility’ under Mysore University for the year 2017-18.
- Guided dissertation titled ‘Evaluation of digital hearing aids with wireless synchronization in older adults’ under Mysore University for the year 2016-17.
- Guided dissertation titled ‘Acceptable noise level: effect of background language and number of speakers in Kannada speaking older adults with hearing impairment’ under Mysore University for the year 2016-17.
- Guided dissertation titled ‘Effect of noise on the sentence identification test in Kannada in individuals with hearing loss’ under Mysore University for the year 2016-17
- Guided dissertation titled ‘Speech-In-Speech Recognition - Effect of Language Uncertainty’ under Mysore University for the year 2014-15.
- Guided dissertation titled ‘Application of Envelope Difference Index in Sentence Recognition And Speech Quality in Individuals With Hearing Impairment’ under Mysore University for the year 2014-15.
- Guided dissertation titled ‘The independent effect of digital signal processing schemes of binaural wireless hearing aids on speech intelligibility in noise’ under Mysore University for the year 2013-14.
- Guided dissertation titled ‘One-year prevalence and risk factors of tinnitus in individuals with ontological problems’ under Mysore University for the year 2013-14.
- Guided dissertation titled ‘The combined effect of compression and DNR on speech Intelligibility’ under Mysore University for the year 2011-12
- Guided dissertation titled ‘Development of audio-visual integration: Across sectional study’ under Mysore University for the year 2011-12
- Guided dissertation titled ‘Development of high frequency speech identification test in Manipuri language’ under Mysore University for the year 2011-12
- Guided dissertation titled ‘Utility of nonlinear frequency compression in children with severe to profound hearing loss’ under Mysore University in 2010-11
- Guided dissertation titled ‘Management of tinnitus: A comparative study’ under Mysore University in 2010-11
- Guided dissertation titled ‘Role of Auditory working memory in prescribing hearing aid gain and type of compression in geriatrics’ under Mysore University in 2010-11
Research Projects
Title |
Funding agency |
Duration |
Remarks |
Audiovisual Perception and Processing in Individuals with Auditory Dyssynchrony |
AIISH Research Fund |
12 months+3 months |
Completed |
Development of sentence test in Kannada language for adults |
AIISH Research Fund |
13 months |
Completed |
Development of phonemically balanced word lists in Kannada language for adults |
AIISH Research Fund |
13 months |
Completed |
Evaluation of digital signal processing features in hearing aids with ear to ear synchronization
AIISH Research Fund |
12 months |
Completed |
Relationship between behavioral measures and aided cortical potential responses in children with normal hearing and hearing impairment (0-5 years) |
AIISH Research Fund |
12 months |
Completed |
Relationship between envelop difference index (EDI) and speech perception with noise reduction strategies in |
AIISH Research Fund |
12 months |
Completed |
Relationship between hearing aid benefit and auditory processing abilities in elderly individuals with hearing impairment |
AIISH Research Fund |
12 months |
Completed |
Development of Phonemically balanced word lists in Tamil Language for adults
AIISH Research Fund |
12 months |
Completed |
Effect of rhythm of the background language and working memory on speech perception in elderly hearing impaired individuals |
AIISH Research Fund |
12 months |
Ongoing (Started in the year 2022) |
Late latency potentials as auditory performance indicators in cochlear implantees |
12 months |
Ongoing (Started in the year 2022) |
Awards for research papers
No. |
Name |
Paper |
Name of the award |
Venue |
Date |
1. |
Megha, Manjula P, Geetha, C and Antony J. (2021). |
Profile of Audiological Assessment for Cochlear Implant Candidacy in Children in India’
Third prize in the Audiology oral paper category |
In CIGICON 2021 (Virtual) |
between 12th to 14th November 2021 |
2. |
Megha, Asha Yathiraj, Manjula P, Geetha C, Jawahar Antony P (2019) |
“Reversed ipsilateral electrically evoked stapedial reflex (eSR) in children using cochlear implants” |
first prize in the Audiology oral paper category |
in CIGICON 2019 held at Mumbai |
from 11th - 13th October 2019 |
3. |
Jawahar Antony, Asha Yathiraj, Manjula P, Geetha C, Megha (2019).
Non-acoustic reflex in children who underwent cochlear implantation through Veria technique’ |
second prize in the Audiology poster paper category |
in CIGICON 2019 held at Mumbai |
from 11th - 13th October 2019 |
4. |
AshaYathiraj, Manjula P., Geetha C., Jawahar Antony, Megha (2017). |
Negative middle ear pressure and non-auditory stimulation in a child using cochlear implantation |
Best Paper Award
5. |
P. Vinodhini & Geetha C. |
Influence of heaing aid algorithum on speech perception and frequency specific envelope changes. |
Best Oral paper Award
National conference on Auditory evoked potentials, HCC FlaSH Series I, Holy Cross College, Tiruchirappalli |
15-18 February 2017 |
6. |
Manjula P., Jawahar Antony P., Megha, Nayana P. K., Geetha C. |
Outcome with Cochlear Implantation in a Child with ANSD |
Best E-poster- I prize
CIGICON 2016, Kochi |
8-9 Oct 16 |
7. |
Geetha C., Vinodhini P. & Hemanth N. |
Effect of number and type of algorithms in a hearing aid on temporal cues and speech perception |
Best Paper in Audiology – -II prize
9th KSB ISHACON 2016 at Palakkad, Kerala |
23.10.16 |
8. |
Geetha C., Vinodhini P., Hemanth N. |
Does the length of stimuli affect the amount of temporal deviation of speech in a hearing aid?‘. |
Audiology Best Poster Award – Ist Prize for the Paper
6th ISHA TN Conference 2016 at Puducherry |
19-20th Nov 16. |
9. |
Raja Rajan R., & Geetha, C. |
Subjective and objective benefit of broadband wireless synchronization technology hearing aids |
Best platform paper in Audiology |
8th KSB-ISHACON, held at Sultan Bathery, Kerala |
14.09.15 |
10. |
Geetha C, Raja Rajan R & Kishore T |
Evaluation of digital noise reduction algorithms in hearing aids with wireless synchronization technology |
2nd Prize |
ISAM-2015, Bhubaneswar, India |
5-7 December 2015 |
11. |
Geetha C, & Manjula P |
Quantifying the effect of different types of compression on speech identification scores |
Dayalan Samuel SSV Award for best paper in Audiology |
40th Indian speech- Language hearing association convention(2008), Mangalore, India |
12. |
Geetha, C, Ashly & Yathiraj, A |
Effect of high frequency filtered speech in normals |
Muktesh award for best paper in Audiology |
37th Indian speech- Language hearing association convention (2005), Indore, India. |
- ಪುನರ್ವಸತಿ ತಂತ್ರಜ್ಞಾನ
- ಅಳವಡಿಸಬಹುದಾದ ಸಾಧನಗಳು
- ಟಿನ್ನಿಟಸ್ ಮತ್ತು ಹೈಪರಾಕ್ಯುಸಿಸ್