ಬ್ರಜೇಶ್ ಪ್ರಿಯದರ್ಶಿ ಡಾ
ಭಾಷಾಶಾಸ್ತ್ರದಲ್ಲಿ ಅಸೋಸಿಯೇಟ್ ಪ್ರೊಫೆಸರ್, ವಾಕ್ ಭಾಷಾ ರೋಗಶಾಸ್ತ್ರ ವಿಭಾಗ
ಇಮೇಲ್: brajesh@aiishmysore.in
ಫೋನ್ ಕಛೇರಿ: 2502847
Dr. Brajesh Priyadarshi is an Associate Professor in Linguistics. His research projects focuses upon the areas of Language acquisition, Applied Linguistics and Clinical Linguistics. He has been actively involved in developing language assessment and therapeutic tools which can be utilized in the clinical setups and special schools.
Dr. Brajesh has completed his PG, M.Phil. and Ph.D in Linguistics from Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi. He has joined AIISH, Mysore, in the year 2006. Prior to joining at AIISH, he has also served at AYJNISHD (Formerly known as AYJNIHH), NRC, New Delhi as teaching faculty member.
Journal publication:
- Rahila, Q., Nisha, Priyadarshi, B. (2021). A comparative study of reaction time in children with learning disability and typically developing children. Journal of Child Language Acquisition and Development. 9 (4), 385-393.
- Priyadarshi, B. & Goswami, S. P. (2020). Sequential Acquisition of Psycholinguistic and Perceptual Skills in Hindi Speaking Children. Indian Linguistics. 81(3-4), 95-109.
- Goswami, S. P., Priyadarshi, B., Mathews, S., Rao, A., & Kasturi, V. J. (2019). Factors of Recovery as Barriers and Facilitators: Two Sides of the Same Coin. International Journal of Mind, Brain & Cognition. 10 (1-2), 141-153.
- Ali, M. S., Shabnam, S. & Priyadarshi, B. (2018). Kinship Terms of Garhwali and Hindi Languages Spoken in Dehradun District of Uttarakhand: A Comparative Study. Journal of Advanced Linguistic Studies. 7 (1-2), 264-273.
- Mendhakar, A., M. & Priyadarshi, B. (2018). A relook into language tests in India: an explorative study. Journal of Child Language Acquisition and Development. 6, (2), 74-88.
- Ghimre, A. & Priyadarshi, B. (2018). Influence of native language on non native language’s vowel duration: A study of Nepali and Hindi speakers’ vowel duration. International Journal of Innovative Knowledge Concept. 5 (7), 78-82.
- Goswami, S., P., Priyadarshi, B., Mathews, Sharon & Vasudevamurthy, A. (2018). Gestures and Discourse markers: Communicative Facilitators in Persons with Aphasia. Journal of Indian Speech Language & Hearing Association. 32, 1-5.
- Kumar, N., Priyadarshi, B. & Uttakalika, S. (2017). Is there similar decline in visual and spatial domains of visio-spatial working memory with ageing? Indian Journal of Gerontology. 31(2), 152-168.
- Priyadarshi, B., Goswami, S., P., Sen, M. & Kidwai, J. (2016). Is the Development of Reading Skill Linear? Journal of Advanced Linguistic Studies. 5 (1-2), 71-97.
- Kumar, N., & Priyadarshi, B. (2016). Cognitive Linguistic Assessment Protocol (CLAP) in Hindi: An Adaptation of CLAP for Adults in Kannada. Student Research at AIISH Mysuru. X: 2011-12, 159-167.
- Ansari, Z., R., Shabnam, S., & Priyadarshi, B. (2015). Kinship terms of Urdu in Mysore and Lucknow Varieties: A Comparative Study. Indian Linguistics. 76 (1-2), 115- 130.
- Krishnan, G., Priyashree, S., & Priyadarshi, B. (2015). Inter-cultural and intra-cultural variations in non-verbal communication: A Preliminary Study in Indian context. Journal of Advanced Linguistic Studies. 4, (1-2), 87-115.
- Goswami, S., P. & Priyadarshi, B. (2015). Is apparent regression an indicator of linguistic progress? Journal of Child Language Acquisition and Development. 3, (3), 169-176.
- Shailat, P., Uthappa, V. & Priyadarshi, B. (2015). Are vowels important to second language readers of English? Asian EFL Journal.84, 33-47.
- Priyadarshi, B. & Shyamala, K., C. (2015). Development of norms for assessment protocol for lexical semantic deficits using componential analysis (PALSD-K). Compendium of Research Funded by ARF. 1, 53-63.
- Priyadarshi, B. & Goswami, S., P. (2015). An adaptation of early reading skills (ERS) in Hindi (ERS-H). Compendium of Research Funded by ARF. 1, 43-52.
- Priyadarshi, B., Shyamala, K. C. & Kumar, N. (2014). Cue based norm to assess lexical semantic skills in typically developing Kannada language speaking children. Journal of Advanced Linguistic Studies (JALS). 3 (1-2), 56-72.
- Priyadarshi, B., & Kumar, N. (2014). Acquisition of Size, Colour and Quantity Adjectives: An Evidential Study of Hindi - Acquiring Children. Indian Linguistics. 75 (1-2), 131- 143.
- Kumar, N., & Priyadarshi, B. (2013). Pattern of Decline of Digit Span Tasks in Adults: A Comparative Study of Pattern of Decline of Digit Forward Span and Digit Backward Span Tasks in Adults. Indian Journal of Gerontology. 27 (3), 438-449.
- Singh, A. K. & Priyadarshi, B. (2013). Status of Hindi and its varieties: A statistical account. Journal of Advanced Linguistic Studies (JALS). 2 (1-2), 49-68.
- Kumar, N., & Priyadarshi, B. (2013). Differential Effect of Aging on Verbal and Visuo-Spatial Working Memory. Aging and Disease. 4 (4), 170-178.
- Shyamala, K. C., Devi, B., Priyadarshi, B., Vishnu, K. N. (2010). Comparison of Markedness of Lexical Semantic Abilities in Normal Children and Children with Hearing. Language in India. 10 (11). 398-408.
- Karthikeyan, B. & Priyadarshi, B. (2010). Comparison of Coarticulatory Effects in Speech of Tamil Speaking Children and Adults with Downs syndrome. Indian Linguistics. 71. 105-112.
- Priyadarshi, B., Goswami, S., P. & Sen, M. (2010). The Relationship of Auditory and Visual perception with Reading Related Skills. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing. 31. 168-176.
- Priyadarshi, B. (2008). Coordination in Sadri: an Analysis. Indian Linguistics. 69. 329- 344.
Book/Chapter Publications:
SN |
Publication Type |
Title of the Book Chapter/Book/ Conference Proceeding, |
Level International/ National |
Authorship |
1 |
Book (Assessment Test) |
Screening Test for the Acquisition of Syntax in Hindi (STAS-H) (2022) |
978-81-94987-68-0 |
National |
Co-Author |
2 |
Book (Assessment Test) |
Adaptation of Bankson Language Screening Test in Hindi (BLST-H) (2021) |
978-81-949876-3-5 |
National |
First author |
3 |
Book (Reference) |
Clinical Linguistics An Overview. (2013) |
93-5056-241-3 |
National |
First author |
4 |
Book (Assessment Test) |
Early Reading Skills in Hindi (ERS-H). (2015). |
978-938651116-4 |
National |
First author |
5 |
Chapter in Book |
Grammatical Profile of Hindi: H-LARSP. (2015). |
9781783094868 |
International |
First author |
6 |
Full Paper in Conference Proceedings |
Lexical fast mapping competency in children with specific language impairment. (2020) |
978-81 946499-9-1 |
National |
Co-author |
7 |
Chapter in Book |
Neurodevelopmental Disorders From a Clinical Linguistics Perspective. (2019) |
978152257004 2 |
International |
First author |
8 |
Chapter in Book |
Cognitive Linguistic Assessment Protocol (CLAP) in Hindi: An Adaptation of CLAP for Adults in Kannada. (2016). |
978-93-8158471-2 |
National |
Co-author |
9 |
Chapter in Book |
An adaptation of early reading skills (ERS) in Hindi (ERS-H). (2017). |
978-93-8158432-3 |
National |
First author |
10 |
Chapter in Book |
Development of norms for assessment protocol for lexical semantic deficits using componential analysis. (2017). |
978-93-8158432-3 |
National |
First author |
11 |
Chapter in Book |
Discourse Elicitation in Aphasia An Indian Framework. (2018). |
978152254955 0 |
International |
Co-author |
Sl. No. |
Title of the Research project |
Role |
Grants received (Rs.) |
Duration in months |
Funding Agency |
Status |
1 |
Relationship between behavioral and electrophysiological indices of Cognition and Language in children with Auditory Processing disorders and co-morbid conditions |
Co-Investigator |
37,64,280/- |
36 |
Ongoing |
2 |
Effect of vestibular impairment and vestibular rehabilitation therapy on cognition and language processing |
Co-Investigator |
81,25440 |
36 |
Ongoing |
3 |
TOLD-H: An Adaptation of TOLD |
Principal Investigator |
4,96000 |
12 |
AIISH Research Fund, MH&FW |
Completed |
4 |
An adaptation of Bankson Language Screening Test (BLST) in Hindi (BLST-H) |
Principal Investigator |
4,93000 |
12 |
AIISH Research Fund, MH&FW |
Completed |
5 |
An adaptation of Early Reading Skills (ERS) in Malayalam (ERS-M) |
Principal Investigator |
4,93000 |
12 |
AIISH Research Fund, MH&FW |
Completed |
6 |
Language Assessment Remediation and Screening Procedure (LARSP): An adaptation and standardization in Hindi |
Principal Investigator |
3,04000 |
12 |
AIISH Research Fund, MH&FW |
Completed |
7 |
Development of norms for Assessment Protocol for Lexical Semantic Deficits using Componential Analysis |
Principal Investigator |
3,05000 |
12 |
AIISH Research Fund, MH&FW |
Completed |
8 |
An Adaptation of Early Reading Skill (ERS) in Hindi |
Principal Investigator |
3,11000 |
12 |
AIISH Research Fund, MH&FW |
Completed |
9 |
Stories of Aphasia: Exploring paths to recovery in India. |
Co-Investigator |
11,99000 |
36 |
AIISH Research Fund, MH&FW |
Completed |
10 |
Screening Test for acquisition of Syntax in Hindi : An Adaption of STASK |
Co-Investigator |
4,57000 |
11 |
AIISH Research Fund, MH&FW |
Completed |
11 |
A Study of Markedness in Lexical Semantics in normal children and a clinical population - Hearing Impaired and Mentally Retarded. |
Co-Investigator |
1,50000 |
10 |
AIISH Research Fund, MH&FW |
Completed |
Dr. Brajesh has 18 years of teaching/research experience with him. Presently, he is teaching Linguistics at PG and UG levels. Prior to joining the All India Institute of Speech and Hearing (AIISH), Mysore; he has served the Ali Yavar Jung National Institute of Hearing Handicapped (AYJNIHH), NRC, New Delhi (now known as AYJNISHD) for around 2.5 years.
- ಕ್ಲಿನಿಕಲ್ ಲಿಂಗ್ವಿಸ್ಟಿಕ್ಸ್ ಮತ್ತು ಸೈಕೋ ಲಿಂಗ್ವಿಸ್ಟಿಕ್ಸ್