डॉ महेश बी.वी.एम
Mahesh BVM is an Assistant Professor at the All India Institute of Speech and Hearing (AIISH), Mysore. He holds a Ph.D. in Speech Language Pathology from the University of Mysore. From AIISH, Mysore, he earned both a Bachelor of Speech and Hearing and a Master of Speech Language Pathology.
His research explores on fluency disorders and speech production. His research studies have addressed the bilingual speech production using articulatory kinematics. He specializes in the usage of both Articulograph AG500 and AG501 for research on speech production. Sensorimotor disorders with paediatric or adult onset are another area of research interest for him. Most of his publications in national and international journals are related to bilingual speech production, stuttering and sensorimotor issues leading to speech difficulties. His teaching interest is in fluency and motor speech disorders.
B.V.M. Mahesh., Apoorva, P., Vijayeshwari, S., & Kajal, N (2019). Language Familiarity hypothesis and Delayed Auditory Feedback: A study on speech disruptions in typical Kannada (L1)-English (L2) Bilinguals. Communication Sciences and Disorders, 24(1), 154-171. doi:10.12963/csd.18572
B.V.M. Mahesh., Apoorva, P., Vijayeshwari, S & Kajol, N. (2019). Influence of Delayed Auditory Feedback on Speech Disruptions in Typical Kannada (L1)-English bilinguals. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 37, 22-32.
Mahesh B.V.M, Jayasree, G.K., & Joel J. (2018). Articulatory stability of nonsense labiodental sequences in persons with stuttering. International Journal of Advanced Research, 6 (10), 703-710. doi:10.21474/IJAR01/7858
Mahesh, B. V. M., & Manjula, R. (2016). The effects of English (L2) language proficiency on speech motor indices for bisyllabic bilabial word utterances in typical Kannada (L1)–English (L2) bilinguals. Speech, Language and Hearing, 19(3), 171–179. doi: 10.1080/2050571X.2016.1164977
B.V.M, Mahesh, & R, Manjula. (2014). Influence of second language (L2) proficiency on the measure of spatiotemporal index of bilabial utterances in typical Kannada (L1)-English (l2) Bilingual speakers. Journal of advances in linguistics, 6(1), 846- 860. doi: 10.24297/jal.v6i1.5177
Hijas Mohammed., Mahesh B.V.M., & Manjula, R (2012). Influence of Listening competence on the speech intelligibility assessment of persons with Dysarthria. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 31, 47- 55.
Book Chapters
Priyadarshi, B., & B.V.M. Mahesh (2018). Neurodevelopmental Disorders from Clinical Linguistics Perspective. S. Gupta (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Trends in the Diagnosis and Intervention of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, IGI Global (International Publisher of Information Science and Technology Research), USA.
Conference Presentations
Melissa, B., & Mahesh B.V.M. (2022) Effect of anthropometric measures on voice parameters in typical adults. Poster presented in the 53rd Annual Convention of the Indian Speech-Language and Hearing Association conference held virtually.
Rachel, E., Vishwadeep, S., & Mahesh B.V.M. (2022). A revisit on the effect of Loudness variation on maximum phonation time in typical adults. Poster presented in the 53rd Annual Convention of the Indian Speech-Language and Hearing Association conference held virtually.
Vishwadeep, S., Rachel, E., & Mahesh B.V.M. (2022) Short term changes in the voice of BASLP clinicians following pediatric service Delivery: Evidence from Acoustical and Perceptual Measures. Poster presented in the 53rd Annual Convention of the Indian Speech-Language and Hearing Association conference held virtually.
Jayashree, K., Joel., & B.V. M. Mahesh (2018, November). ‘Articulatory stability for voiced and unvoiced labiodental sequences: A revisit to the dyscoordination hypothesis in Persons with Stuttering' Presented at the 13th Western Pacific Acoustics Conference, WESPAC 2018 New Delhi
Mahesh, B.V.M., Mathur, R., & Manjula, R (2007). Breath group indices in individuals with Mental Retardation. Poster presented in the 39th Indian Speech and Hearing Association conference held at Calicut.
Mahesh, B.V.M., Mathur, R., & Shyamala, K. C. (2007). Specific Language Impairment and its subgroups. Poster presented in the 39th Indian Speech and Hearing Association conference held at Calicut.