डॉ के यशोदा
वाक् विज्ञान में एसोसिएट प्रोफेसर, वाक्-भाषा विज्ञान विभाग
ईमेल: kyeshoda@aiishmysore.in
फोन कार्यालय: 2255
Dr. K. Yeshoda has an informative and instructive 25 long years of professional career skills in teaching under graduate and graduate programs, mentoring graduate dissertations, clinical services and training, research, public education. She has served in various administrative positions. Her Master's dissertation was "Test of Writing in Kannada-TOWK". Faculty position in Speech Sciences paved way to develop focused interests in Voice Sciences and Disorders, Anatomy and Physiology of Voice and Speech Mechanism, Acoustics Analyses of Voice and Speech, Professional Voice and its Care, Speech Production, Acoustic Phonetics and her stint with forensic speaker verification led her to her doctoral thesis entitled "Importance of Some Spectral and Temporal Parameters in Speaker Identification".
PUBLICATIONS in International, National journals and In-house publications.
Krishna Yeshoda, & Rathinaswamy Rajasudhakar. Effects of Occupational Risk Factors on Subjective Vocal Aerodynamic Measures in Teachers. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head Neck Surgery. 2022. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-022-03136-8
Krishna Yeshoda, Rathinaswamy Rajasudhakar & Shanmugasundaram Lokheshwar. Impact of Voice Conservation Sensitization Program in Nursing Trainees: A Pre–Post Comparison. Education in Health Professions. 2022; Vol. 4: Issue-3: Pgs-116-123.
Krishna Yeshoda & Revathi Raveendran. Exploring the Spectral and Temporal Characteristics of Human Beatbox Sounds: A Preliminary Study. Accepted for publication October 11, 2021. “Article in Press” made available online on 22.12.2021. Journal of Voice, Vol. &&, No. &&, pp. &&−&& 0892-1997 © 2021 The Voice Foundation. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvoice.2021.10.011.
Priyadharshini Veeramani, M. Vasupradaa, & K. Yeshoda. Acoustic Analysis of Voice of Temple Priests. In M. Singh and Y. Rafat (eds.), Recent Developments in Acoustics, Select Proceedings of the 46th National Symposium on Acoustics © Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-5776-7_6.
Sreeraj Konadath, Revathi Raveendran, & Krishna Yeshoda (Nov. 2020). Perception of Speech Stress in Children with Hearing Impairment. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. Available online 12 November 2020.
Yeshoda Krishna & Revathi Raveendran (Sept, 2020). Awareness of Voice Symptoms and Gender Predisposition in South Indian Carnatic Singers using The Singing Voice Handicap Index. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Neuroscience, Vol. 10 (2), 1-6. http://medicaljournals.stmjournals.in/index.php/RRJoNS/article/view/2071.
Krishna Yeshoda, Revathi Raveendran, & Sreeraj Konadath. (July, 2020). Perception of Vocal Emotional Prosody in Children with Hearing Impairment. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, Vol. 137, 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijporl.2020.110252.
Merlin Thomas & Yeshoda, K. (2020). Vocal Economy in Female Trained Singers and Non singers. Student Research at AIISH, Mysuru (Articles Based on Dissertation done at AIISH), Vol. XIII (Part B): 2014-15, 140-147.
Salome Philip., & Yeshoda, K. (2020). Vocal Economy in Female Primary School Teachers and Non Teachers. Student Research at AIISH, Mysuru (Articles Based on Dissertation done at AIISH), Vol. XIII (Part B): 2014-15, 203-210.
Yeshoda, K., Revathi, R., & Sreeraj, K. (2020). Speech Rhythm in Malayalam Speaking Children with Hearing Impairment. International Conference cum Workshop on Rhythm in Speech and Music from Neuro-Cognitive Perspectives at Jadavpur University, Kolkata from 16th – 18th Jan. 2020-Book of Abstracts, pg. 51-58, 2020.
Reuben, T.Varghese and Yeshoda, K. (June 2019). Efficacy of Voice Therapy in Total Thyroidectomy: A Single Case Study. Journal of Endocrinology and Thyroid Research (ISSN: 2573-2188), Vol. 4 (4) 001-005. DOI: 10.19080/JETR.2019.04.555644.
Yeshoda, K., & Jayakumar, T. (2018). A Survey of Prevalence of Voice Problems in School Teachers of Mysuru, India. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Vol. 37, 9-21. Released on 16.7.2019.
Yeshoda, K., Reuben, T.Varghese, Farseena Jabeen & Muhumina, KM. Vocal Characteristics in Indian Madrasah Teachers (June 2018). International Journal of Social and Economic Research (ISSN 2249-6270), Vol. 8, 2, 133-138.
Suvetha, N., & Yeshoda, K. (2018). Effect of Cognitive Load on Voice Characteristics in Young Adults. Student Research at AIISH, Mysuru (Articles Based on Dissertation done at AIISH), Vol. XIV (Part B): 2015-16, 281-286.
Prasad, J., & Yeshoda, K. (2016). A Comparison of Voice Characteristics in Congenital Visual Impaired and Normal Sighted Primary School Teachers. Student Research at AIISH, Mysuru (Articles Based on Dissertation done at AIISH), Vol. X (Part B): 2011-12, 105-114.
Karem Prathibha, & Yeshoda, K. (2016). Prevalence of Voice Problems among Preschoolers (3.5-5.5 years) in Yemmiganur town (Andhra Pradesh). Student Research at AIISH, Mysuru (Articles Based on Dissertation done at AIISH), Vol. X (Part B): 2011-12, 125-133.
Santhi, S., & Yeshoda, K. (2016). A Comparison of Voice Characteristics in Children with Congenital Visual Impairment and Normal Sighted Children. Student Research at AIISH, Mysuru (Articles Based on Dissertation done at AIISH), Vol. X (Part B): 2011-12, 253-260.
Yeshoda, K., Rajasudhakar, R., Jayakumar, T., Amoolya, G., & Deepthi Damodharan (2013). Investigation of Voice Characteristics in Special Educators using Dysphonia Severity Index (DSI). Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing (ISSN 0973-662X), Vol. 32, 30-35.
Deepthi, M. K. & Yeshoda, K. (2012). Voice Characteristics in Male to Female Transsexuals (MTF) Individuals. Student Research at AIISH, Mysore (Articles based on dissertation done at AIISH), Vol. IX (Part B): 2010-11, 14-20.
Rajasudhakar R, Pramoda K, Yeshoda. K, & Geetha V.Y. (2011). An Evaluative Study of Vocal Hygiene Awareness Program in Professional Voice Users (Prospective Teachers). Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing (ISSN 0973-662X), Vol. 30, 9-14.
Tiffy George Roy & Yeshoda, K. (2011). Vocal Variations in Speech following Cognitive Cueing. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing (ISSN 0973-662X), Vol. 30, 85-93.
Yeshoda, K. (2010). Prevention of Voice Problems – Vocal Abuse Reduction Program. Proceedings of the National Workshop on Professional Voice: Assessment and Management, 9-10th Dec. 2010, AIISH, Mysore, 74-84.
Bijoyaa Mohapatra, Nisha Sudhi, Liveem M. Tharakan, Sri Pallavi M., Anil Kumar & Yeshoda, K. (2010). Analysis of Acoustic Patterns in Honey Bees- An Investigation. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing (ISSN 0973-662X), Vol. 29 (2), 139-143.
Sweety Joy, & Yeshoda, K. (2010). Vocal registers in classical Carnatic singers: An inquiry using Electroglottography. Student Research at AIISH, Mysore. (Articles based on dissertation done at AIISH), Vol. VII (Part B): 2008-09, 276-286.
Firdaus Begum, L. M., & Yeshoda, K. (2010). Acoustic and perceptual characteristics of voice in normally aging adult males. Student Research at AIISH, Mysore (Articles based on dissertation done at AIISH), Vol. VI (Part B): 2007-08, 82-96.
Johnsirani, R., & Yeshoda, K. (2010). Speaker’s formant: an indicator of expressive speech in some groups of professional voice users. Student Research at AIISH, Mysore (Articles based on dissertation done at AIISH), Vol. VII (Part B): 2006-07, 44-57.
Kunal Ghosh., & Yeshoda, K. (2010). Comparison of acoustic characteristics in female trained (Carnatic style), untrained singers and non singers. Student Research at AIISH, Mysore (Articles based on dissertation done at AIISH), Vol. VII (Part B): 2006-07, 71-87.
Marlyn, M. K., & Yeshoda, K. (2010). Effect of speaking rate on some spectral and temporal measures. Student Research at AIISH, Mysore (Articles based on dissertation done at AIISH), Vol. VII (Part B): 2006-07, 101-111.
Prajna Nayak, Anisha, A. B., & Yeshoda, K. (2008). Influence of Cognitive Workload on Vocal Parameters. Proceedings of the International Symposium Frontiers of Research on Speech and Music (FRSM-2008), 209-212.
Prajna Nayak, & Yeshoda, K. (2008). Acoustic Analysis in Normal Aging. Proceedings of Indian Speech and Hearing Association, Feb 2008, Kolkatta.
Ram Mohan, G., & Yeshoda, K. (2008). Efficacy of Head Turn Technique in Treatment of Patients with Unilateral Vocal Cord Paralysis: An Attempt at Evidence Based Practice. Student Research at AIISH, Mysore (Articles based on dissertation done at AIISH), Vol. IV (Part B): 2005-06, 88-100.
Sheetal, R., & Yeshoda, K. (2008). Acoustic Analysis of Singer’s Voice. Journal of Indian Speech and Hearing Association, Vol. 22, 102-105.
Amita Koul, & Yeshoda, K. (2008). Vocal Demands in Teachers: Primary Vs Secondary Schools. Student Research at AIISH, (Articles based on dissertation done at AIISH), Vol. II (Part B), 97-109.
Chaya Devie, N., & Yeshoda, K. (2008). Singer’s Formant in Indian Classical Singers- Carnatic vs. Hindustani. Student Research at AIISH, (Articles based on dissertation done at AIISH), Vol. I (Part B), 89-93
Regishia, A., & Yeshoda, K. (2008). Influence of Menstrual Cycle on Clinical Measures of Voice: A Comparison of Singers and Non singers. Compilation of Student Research at AIISH, (Articles based on dissertation done at AIISH), Vol. II (Part B), 173-188.
Yeshoda, K. (2008). Acoustic Analyses of Voice. Proceedings of the National Workshop on Voice: Assessment and Management, AIISH, 52-68.
Savithri, S. R., Yeshoda, K., & Venugopal, M. B. (2007). Acoustic Measures in the Speech of Children with Stuttering and Normal non fluency: A Key to Differential Diagnosis. Proceedings of the International symposium Frontiers of Research on Speech and Music (FRSM-2007), 201-204.
Savithri, S. R., Yeshoda, K. & Kunal Ghosh (2007). Spectrographic Analysis of Syllable Repetition in Childhood Stuttering and Normal non fluency. Proceedings of the National Symposium on Acoustics. Pp. 163-168.
Yeshoda, K. (2007). Methods of Forensic Speaker Identification. Proceedings of the National Workshop on Forensic Voice Identification, Resource Material, AIISH, (enclosure).
Yeshoda, K. (2007). Perceptual Cues of Nasals. Proceedings of the National Workshop on Phonetic Perception, AIISH.
Arunkumar Thangavel, B., & Yeshoda, K. (2006). Word Length and Lexical Decision in Stutterers. Journal of Indian Speech and Hearing Association, Vol. 20, 71-75.
Yeshoda, K. (2005). Voice and its Disorders. Proceeding of National Workshop on Effective Use of Voice and Speech, AIISH, (enclosure).
Yeshoda, K. (2005). Effective Use of Voice and Speech. Proceeding of National Workshop on Effective Use of Voice and Speech, AIISH, (enclosure).
Kalai Selvi, P. S., & Yeshoda, K. (2004). Interpretation of Emotional Prosody. Proceedings of Frontiers of Research on Speech and Music (FRSM), 208-211.
Srikanth, C., Vinay Kumar, C. M., & Yeshoda, K. (2004). Word Fluency Measures in Kannada. Proceedings of Frontiers of Research on Speech and Music (FRSM), 153-156.
Kavitha, P., Kalai Selvi, P. S., & Yeshoda, K. (2004). Some Temporal Measures of Anticipatory Labial Coarticulation in Stutterers and Normal Adults. Proceedings of National Symposium of Acoustics, Section C, 1-3.
Kalai Selvi, P. S., & Yeshoda, K. (2004). Interpretation of Emotional Prosody. Proceedings of Frontiers of Research on Speech and Music, 208-211.
Kalai Selvi, P. S., Ananthi, T., & Yeshoda, K. (2004). Acoustic Analysis of Labial Coarticulation in Tamil and Hindi: A Comparative Study. Proceedings of National Symposium of Acoustics, Section C, 1-8.
Srikanth, C., Vinay Kumar, C. M., Sumesh, K., & Yeshoda, K. (2004). Speech Characteristics in Auditory Neuropathy. Proceedings of National Symposium of Acoustics, Section C, 1-1
Jayaradha, S., & Yeshoda, K. (2003). Coarticulation in the Speech of Profound Prelingually Hearing Impaired and Normal Children. Research at AIISH, Dissertation Abstracts, Vol. 4, 135-136.
Chaya Devie, N., Santhosh, M., & Yeshoda, K. (2003). Effect of Training on the Emergence of Singer’s Formant in the Voice of Singing Students. Proceedings of the National Conference of Indian Speech and Hearing Association, Jan 2003.
Mili, C., Samuel, Chaya Devie, N., & Yeshoda, K. (2002). Role of LTAS in Infant Cry Analysis. Proceedings of the National Conference of Indian Speech and Hearing Association, Jan 2002, New Delhi.
Vinay, S. N., Komal Arora, & Yeshoda, K. (2001). Acoustical Aspects in Professional Classical Singers. Journal of Indian Speech and Hearing Association, Vol. 15, 74-78.
Yeshoda, K. (2009): Unit 4: Anatomy & Physiology of Pharynx and Oro-peripheral structures. Self Learning Material for DHLS, Course III, “Basic Medical Sciences related to Speech & Hearing”, AIISH, Mysore
Yeshoda, K. (2009): Unit 5: Anatomy & Physiology of Larynx, physiology of respiration. Self Learning Material for DHLS, Course III, “Basic Medical Sciences related to Speech & Hearing”, AIISH, Mysore
Research Projects
“Perception and Production of Prosody in Children with Principal Investigator
Hearing Impairment”. 2018-2019
“Prevalence of Voice Disorders in Teachers –A survey”. Principal Investigator
AIISH Research Fund 2012-2013
“Voice Characteristics in Teachers”. Principal Investigator
AIISH Research Fund 2012-2013
“Differential Diagnosis of Stuttering and Normal Co-Principal Investigator
Non-Fluency”. 2006-2009
Indian Council of Medical Research (Govt. of India) funded
- Reader & Head 7th Jan. 2016 to 2nd Jan. 2018
Department of Speech–Language Sciences
All India Institute of Speech & Hearing, (AIISH) Mysuru - Reader & Head 6th Jan. 2014 to 7th Jan. 2016
Department of Clinical Services
AIISH, Mysuru - Reader in Speech Sciences July 2013 onwards
Department of Speech – Language Sciences
AIISH, Mysore - Lecturer in Speech Sciences July 1998 to June 2013
Department of Speech–Language Sciences
AIISH, Mysore - Clinical Assistant July 1996 to July 1998
Department of Audiology
AIISH, Mysore - Speech Language Pathologist and Audiologist July 1994-April/May 1996
SRC Institute of Speech and Hearing
Hennur Road, Bangalore
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